grinding mirror machine pdf

Profile error compensation in cross-grinding mode for large …

This study proposes a high-precision compensation system using an on-machine noncontact measuring system to improve the manufacturing accuracy and efficiency of large-diameter aspheric mirrors by reducing profile errors arising from tool setting errors and machine positioning errors. By measuring a standard hemisphere, the assembly tilt …

Making a Mirror-O-Matic Mirror Making Machine

Once I had seen a grinding machine, working at 380 Volts and weighting about 300 kilo's, but this one looked quite different: lightweight, very compact and working on normal volts. ... for an 8", a 10" and a 12" mirror. The .pdf files of the examples can be found in the files section of the Zambuto mirror yahoogroup. Much of his ...

Mirror surface grinding of ceramics using a three-axis …

Bnuun 0890--6955/97517.00 + .00 Pll: S0890-6955 (96)00092-2 MIRROR SURFACE GRINDING OF CERAMICS USING A THREE- AXIS PRECISION CNC GRINDING MACHINE HYUN SURK KIMt~: and DAI GIL LEEr (Received 16 April 1996; in final form 1 October 1996) Abstract--In this paper, the mirror surface grinding of ceramics, such …

Micro Grinding Applications

This chapter presents an overview of the micro grinding technologies developed for hard and brittle materials. It summarizes the principle and methodologies associated with the grinding processes. In particular, attention is paid to the processes that are used to fabricate micro moulds made of cemented tungsten carbide. In this case, the …

Grinding Machine for Large Telescope Mirrors

I designed and built a grinding machine for mirrors up to 42 inches [1.1m] in diameter. By slipping on and off a couple of belts, the machine can quickly be reconfigured for spinning work or for stroking work. ... see pdf Paint: brilliant star yellow Analysis: Hindle/Zeiss style 25 inch stroke polishing should move no faster than one stroke ...

Pocket Guide to Grinding Technique

1 Power (P) is equal to the product of torque (T) and rotational speed (n): P = T x n. Torque is oficially expressed in Newton x meters (Nm). The oficial SI-unit for rotational speed is radians per second (rad/s). In grinding the accepted term …

A new grinding method for aspheric ceramic mirrors

DOI: 10.1016/S0924-0136(96)02440-5 Corpus ID: 135853924; A new grinding method for aspheric ceramic mirrors @article{Kuriyagawa1996ANG, title={A new grinding method for aspheric ceramic mirrors}, author={Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa and Mohammad Saeed Sepasy Zahmaty and Katsuo Syoji}, journal={Journal of Materials Processing Technology}, …

Grinding Machine: Parts, Working, Operations,

A grinder is commonly used to precisely shape and finish the given materials with low surface roughness and high surface quality. A grinding machine is a type of machine used to grind workpieces. It …

Tool setting error compensation in large aspherical mirror grinding

The experiment results show that the introduced models are valid for grinding in aspherical mirror, since they are solely based on the geometry and process parameters, and hence are applicable for manufacturing process optimization. ... Download PDF. Xiang Wei 1, Bing Li 1,2,3, ... (2015) On-machine self-calibration method for …

tut44 Making A Mirror Grinding Tool

Today, because glass is expensive, we make the "tool" using less expensive materials. Here is how to make the grinding tool. Trace the outline of the blank on a section of 3/4" …

Grind and Polish a Dobsonian/Newtonian Telescope Mirror …

You'll want to first determine the shape of your mirror and the focal length that it will eventually have. When designing a telescope of this style, there is a very, very handy …

Grinding Machine Checklist | PDF

Grinding Machine Checklist - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This grinding machine checklist is used to inspect various aspects of grinding machines to ensure they are in safe working condition. It lists items like the condition of handles, wheel guards, grinding wheels, trigger switches, …

Tool setting error compensation in large aspherical mirror …

Download PDF. Xiang Wei, Bing Li, Lei Chen, Meiting Xin, Bingcai Liu & Zhuangde Jiang. 201 Accesses. 5 Citations. Explore all metrics. Abstract. Increasing …

Unlock the Secrets of Surface Finish Symbols [Must-Read …

Surface Roughness. Surface roughness is a measure of finely spaced surface irregularities. Surface roughness is the second component of Surface Texture. Surface roughness is usually what machinists refer to when talking about "surface finish.". When talking about all three characteristics, they may use the term "Surface Texture" …


The Machines. Download Complete Documentation. (49 Zip archive) Please visit the active Mirror-o-Matic. discussion forum on Zip archive of deprecated Yahoo Groups discussion (2000-2019) 307 .

(PDF) Grinding of aspherical SiC mirrors

SiC mirrors with large curvature radii, high shape accuracy and very low surface roughness. This paper describes the methods using bonded cup wheels for grinding toroidal and cylindrical SiC ...

(PDF) Design of Mini Abrasive Vertical Belt Grinding Machine …

The main objective. of this project is to design and fabricate an abrasive belt grinding which can be used as. versatile grinding machine, the work area can be rotated from 0 degree to 180 degree ...

Making a homemade mirror grinding machine

Gordon will know more about the math for different mirrors and different sizes. I recall for mine it was about a 70% tool diameter. The bucket Gordon used to make the tile tool was 8 15/16", 70% of 12.5" ends up at 8 3/4". Looking back at my notes I used the tile tool primarily at the 70% zone of the mirror.

Grinding a Telescope Mirror: The Non-DIY Project

A DIY build means you can run to your local hardware store, buy the parts, and then construct what you need in your garage or other appropriate home venue. Construction of a primary mirror requires, as a final step, the aluminization of the mirror's surface. This critical step is not a home DIY task. You would need to find an industrial ...

Fewer-axis grinding methodology with simultaneously …

Download PDF. Qianren Wang, Shuo Lin, Zhenhua Jiang, Yuehong Yin & Yuyang Zhao. 184 Accesses. 4 Citations. Explore all metrics. Abstract. This paper …

Mirror surface grinding of ceramics using a three-axis …

DOI: 10.1016/S0890-6955(96)00092-2 Corpus ID: 109025261; Mirror surface grinding of ceramics using a three-axis precision cnc grinding machine @article{Kim1997MirrorSG, title={Mirror surface grinding of ceramics using a three-axis precision cnc grinding machine}, author={Hyun Surk Kim and Dai Gil Lee}, …

Grinding Metre-Scale Mirror Segments for the E-ELT …

Cranfield University Precision Engineering Centre, Cranfield University, MK43 0AL, UK. Abstract: The next generation of ground based telescopes require many hundreds of …

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Grinding Mirror Machine Pdf

In the good old days, building your own telescope was the only way to get,grinding mirror machine pdf,grinding mirror machine pdf cylindrical grinding minicylindrical grinding mirror Grinding methods using a cup wheel. = COS-1 b (~/a2- (B)2 - a) (2) Here, r is the radius of out~er or inner part of the grinding tool, and B the width of the ...

Studyon a 5-axis precision and mirror grinding of glass …

Xie et al. [17] developed a new method of 5-axis precision and mirror grinding of glass freeform surface without on-machine wheel-profile truing, an f-theta freeform glass lens was successfully ...

Mechanical behavior and modeling of grinding force: A …

The modeling of grinding force is helpful and imperative to decrease grinding heat, optimize grinding process, improve machining efficiency and product quality. 2.2. Grinding force model. Grinding force models are mathematical representations that depict the variation in force magnitude throughout the grinding.

Fewer-axis grinding methodology with simultaneously guaranteeing

This paper presents a grinding force control strategy with simultaneously guaranteeing surface accuracy for large optical SiC mirror. A fewer-axis grinder with toric wheel is used to ensure the high stiffness during the grinding process. According to the geometric properties of the contact area at the grinding point between the grinding …

14 Types of Grinding Machines [Working, Diagram & PDF]

Centreless grinder. Surface grinder. Universal grinder. Tools and cutting grinder. 1. Bench Grinder. These types of grinding machines are fixed on a workbench or table. Gear or pulley is fitted in it. For rotating the big-size gears or …

A study on tangential ultrasonic-assisted mirror grinding …

2.1 Processing principle. The processing principle of the proposed tangential ultrasonic-assisted grinding (TUAG) method for curved surface machining is illustrated schematically in Fig. 1.An xyz coordinate system is defined, in which the xy-plane is fixed on the lower end face of the workpiece and the x- and y-axes are aligned with the width and …

Chapter 17: Grinding Methods and Machines

Special types of grinders are grinding machines made for specific types of work and operations, for example: Tool and cutter grinders. These grinding machines are designed to sharpen milling cutters, reamers, taps and other machine tool cutters. The general-purpose cutter grinder is the most popular and versatile tool-grinding machine.

Grinding Machine: Definition, Parts, Working Principle, Operation

The grinding machine is widely used to finish the workpiece. Do you know why? Because the work removal rate is low between 0.25 to 0.5 mm. (This can be advantages or disadvantages also for various types of works). Grinding Machine Parts and Function: The Grinding Machine Consists of Following Main Parts: Base or Bed; …

Study on a 5-axis precision and mirror grinding of glass …

Fig. 3 shows the envelope grinding along with tool posture angle θ and envelope trace height h e.On the parallel YZ-sections, the CL and the angle ϕ are driven by the linkage of Y-axis and Z-axis translations and A-axis rotation according to (1), (2), (4), (5).The tool path interval f x is driven by the differential translation of X-axis. The …

Measurement of large aspherical mirrors using coordinate

Request PDF | Measurement of large aspherical mirrors using coordinate measurement machine during the grinding process | A new method has been developed to measure large aspherical mirrors ...


gently on the mirror and make long strokes for a few minutes, till you can hear that the carborundum is no longer effective. Then add a new amount of carborundum, not taking …

Study on a 5-axis precision and mirror grinding of glass …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Study on a 5-axis precision and mirror grinding of glass freeform surface without on-machine wheel-profile truing" by J. Xie et al. ... The grinding wheel hold by the multi-axis machine tool is introduced into the free-form surface grinding, and an instantaneous engagement model is proposed in terms of ...

Grinding Machine for Large Telescope Mirrors

Grinding Machine for Large Telescope Mirrors. I designed and built a grinding machine for mirrors up to 42 inches [1.1m] in diameter. By slipping on and off a couple of belts, …

4.1 Introduction 4.2 Types of grinding machines 4.2.1 …

4.1 Introduction. Grinding is a metal cutting operation like any other process of machining removing metal in comparatively smaller volume. The cutting tool used is an abrasive wheel having many numbers of cutting edges. The machine on which grinding the operation is performed is called a grinding machine. Grinding is done to obtain very high ...

Cnc Grinding Machines

OMICRONCNCUNiVERSAL Cylindrical GRiNDiNG Machines Precision Since 1936Made In Italy Robbi Group srl Via deN'Industna 7 37040 Veronella - VR Italia 39 0442 47700 39 0442 47966 robbi@robbispa Open the catalog to page 1. The Power of The CNC and the Process Simplicity • The work cycle can be optimised in …