mining in south africa during apartheid

Gold in South Africa: Lessons from the Apartheid Era

Abstract. This chapter considers gold at its most recent historical epi-centre—i.e. South Africa during the colonial and apartheid era. For over 130 years gold in Africa has been synonymous with ...

Mining: South Africa's Biggest Success or Apartheid's …

When visiting The Apartheid Museum, I was struck by the relationship between South Africa's mining industry and the foundations of Apartheid and racial …

The Harsh Reality of Life Under Apartheid in South Africa

Print Page. From 1948 through the 1990s, a single word dominated life in South Africa. Apartheid —Afrikaans for "apartness"—kept the country's majority Black population under the thumb ...

Promised land: how South Africa's black farmers …

South Africa was under pressure from abroad to prove that at least one of sub-Saharan Africa's then nearly 50 nations could be an unqualified success. Some on Padayachee's economic team wanted ...

South Africa

Diamonds., gold, and imperialist intervention (1870–1902) South Africa experienced a transformation between 1870, when the diamond rush to Kimberley began, and 1902, when the South African War ended. Midway between these dates, in 1886, the world's largest goldfields were discovered on the Witwatersrand. As the predominantly agrarian ...

Migrant mineworkers and South Africa's diplomatic relations …

The discovery of gold and diamonds in South Africa in the late 1800s transformed the country into a mining giant in Southern Africa. The South African …

Mining activities continue to dispossess black families in South Africa

Supplied. Dispossession in South Africa is associated with the period of colonialism and apartheid. As a result, not much consideration is given to how previously marginalised black communities ...

Apartheid Legislation 1850s-1970s | South African History …

Apartheid Legislation 1850s-1970s. 1856-1910. Masters and Servants Acts of 1856. These Acts, which had been passed between 1856 and 1904 in the four territories, remained in force after Union. They made it a criminal offence to breach the contract of employment. Desertion, insolence, drunkenness, negligence and strikes were also criminal offences.

How apartheid is destroying South Africa's environment

By Omar Sattaur. 12 May 1990. THE GRIP of apartheid may be weakening, as the current talks between. the African National Congress and the Pretoria government show. But it will. take years for ...

South Africa

The radical African ICU had collapsed by 1930, and the CPSA made little headway among Blacks. South Africa - Apartheid, Colonization, Inequality: In the first two decades of the union, segregation became a distinctive feature of South African political, social, and economic life as whites addressed the "native question.".

Elon Musk addresses emerald mines and …

South Africa – Blue Sky Publications (Pty) Ltd - Registration Number: 2005/028472/07 - Address: Regus Business Centre, 1st Floor, Block B, North Park, Black River Park, 2 Fir Street, …

South Africa's history of gold mining

By Corruption Watch 25 Jan 2023, 12:57. In part two of our new two-part mini-series on gold laundering, we look back into South Africa's gold mining history and the role which gold laundering played in financing the apartheid government's attempts to cling to power. Part one set the scene as it is today, and looked at possible measures to ...

Mining on Indigenous Lands in South Africa

This is a map of the indigenous regions of South Africa which were set apart during apartheid for indigenous peoples. As you can see, they are clustered among many mining areas when compared to …

Communities, mining corporations and corruption in South Africa

During the apartheid era in South Africa, the mining industry operated without restraint and had undue influence over government decision-making.

Powering Apartheid: The Coalbrook Mine Disaster of 1960: …

Key causes of the disaster were the exponential increase in demand for coal following the opening of the Taaibos power station in 1954 on the one hand, and the …

South Africa: Overcoming Apartheid

Unit 2. Colonialism and Segregation: The Origins of Apartheid. The discovery of diamonds in Kimberley in 1867 and of gold on the Witwatersrand (centered on the city of Johannesburg) in 1886 transformed South African from an agrarian society at the edge of world trade into a globally integrated industrial economy. The mineral revolution led to ...

Gold in South Africa: Lessons from the Apartheid Era

South Africa during the apartheid era. For over 130 years gold in Africa has been synonymous with the Witwatersrand which has produced 40% of the gold that was ever mined.1 From 1887 until 2018 1.7 billion ounces of gold were extracted from the South African mines, mostly in the Witwatersrand. In 2018, South African gold production …

Decades Later, South African Miners Sue Employers : NPR

Manjati is part of a legal team that is scouring the South African countryside, trying to find the tens of thousands of men who poured into the country's gold mines during apartheid. Siponono ...

Mining and 'community' struggles on the platinum belt: A …

The growing concern is that the platinum mining industry in post-apartheid South Africa is characterised by fragmented and precarious work (Chinguno, 2013, p. 33). As such, like gold mining, it relies on a massive African migrant labour force, low wages, and poor working and living conditions to bolster its profits (Mnwana and Capps, 2015).


Johannesburg - Apartheid, Mining, History: These transformations were not lost on white political leaders. On the contrary, the future of Johannesburg and other South African cities became the central issue in the 1948 national election. Jan Smuts' United Party, while defending its commitment to white supremacy, argued that complete segregation was …

Labour markets during apartheid in South Africa

LABOUR MARKETS DURING APARTHEID 1103 The reservation of specific occupations for ethnic groups, later named job reservation by the apartheid government, became a feature of the growing mining industry from the end of the nineteenth century.21 English-speaking skilled workers tried to restrict access to their jobs by preventing …

'Illegal' gold mining and the everyday in post-apartheid South Africa

Abstract. This paper examines unregulated gold-mining activities prevalent at disused mines and decommissioned shafts at operating mines in post-apartheid South Africa. This kind of mining is ...

Full article: The economics of apartheid: An introduction

She argues in her 1986 book that although economic policy may have seemed at times to favour capital in the form of the mining and manufacturing sectors, systems such as statutory job reservation for whites began to hinder growth in the manufacturing sector. ... Labour markets during apartheid in South Africa. Economic …

Fact Check: Did Elon Musk Inherit Apartheid …

South Africans queue in the early morning sun to cast their votes in the mining settlement of Bekkersdal, west of Johannesburg, South Africa, May 8, 2019. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis) Elon Musk, the CEO of …

A history of mining in South Africa (ZA)

A history of mining in South Africa. M ining in South Africa has been a contentious issue since 15-year-old Erasmus Stephanus Jacobs discovered South Africa's first diamond, the Eureka, in Hopetown in 1867. It kickstarted what historians call the Mineral Revolution, which made few European opportunists wealthy beyond measure, and saw …

Mining on Indigenous Lands in South Africa

This is a map of the indigenous regions of South Africa which were set apart during apartheid for indigenous peoples. As you can see, they are clustered …

Roots of Apartheid: South Africa's Mining Industry

The CJPME Foundation 580 Sainte-Croix Ave, Suite 050, Montreal, QC, H4L 3X5 The CJPME Foundation is a registered Canadian charity, Registration Number 841493539 RR 0001.. The CJPME Foundation acknowledges that our offices, located in Montreal, are on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Kanienʼkehá꞉ka (Mohawk), whose …

Low wages in mining sector a legacy of apartheid

The term of this agreement shall be two years. "As the NUM, we have always maintained that wages in the mining sector remained too low, and that was as a result of apartheid legacy when the black mining labour force was ruthlessly exploited. "The NUM also maintained that our average member typically has ten dependants, straining their ...

These Moving Photos Show Life in Apartheid-Era South Africa

July 27, 2018. Why Global Citizens Should Care. The late David Goldblatt was an iconic South African photographer whose work documents the impact of apartheid rule on people of all ethnicities in the country. These powerful photographs capture life under a system that legally enshrined racial inequality and discrimination.

South Africa's Mining Industry: The Trade Union …

Senzeni Zokwana stated that the mining industry was one of South Africa's major employers in the apartheid era. He explained that the industry was very racist during apartheid, and gave the example of the Mines and Works Act, which prohibited black workers from holding high positions. South Africa

How waste from the mining industry has perpetuated …

How waste from the mining industry has perpetuated apartheid-like policies in South Africa. November 13, 2023. Read this article on the Stanford Report website. Through studying the residues of South Africa's mining industry – a core infrastructure of the …

Full article: The economics of apartheid: An introduction

Surprisingly little attention has been paid to identifying and measuring how apartheid affected neighbouring countries, such as Mozambique and Malawi, which …

Asbestos-Related Disease in South Africa

The absence of data on asbestos-related disease during the lifetime of the South African industry under apartheid is noteworthy because of the South African government's intensive program of surveillance and control of the movement of blacks and what political scientist Deborah Posel called the National Party's "mania for measurement ...

Mining in South Africa: radical resistance | openDemocracy

Mining, main source of the country's wealth, contributed significantly to developing South Africa into one of the leading economies in Africa and the Third World. But mining has also caused ...


Johannesburg - Gold Rush, Apartheid, Mining: Johannesburg's early history is the story of gold. In 1853 Pieter Jacob Marais, a South African prospector, recovered alluvial gold from the Jukskei River, north of what …