flotation oxidised copper ore

Flotation of mixed oxide sulphide copper-cobalt …

Republic of Congo (DRC) from ores containing copper-cobalt oxides or copper-cobalt sulphides. Where oxide and sulphide cobalt-bearing copper minerals occur together, efficient recovery of copper and cobalt is known to be extremely difficult. This study investigates the flotation behaviour of a mixed oxide-sulphide ore where copper is


The oxidised sulphide ore was studied by artificially oxidising a copper sulphide ore to various states during 16 months. For each oxidation state, the effect of chemistry was studied through a series of grinding and flotation …

Assessment of water quality effects on flotation of copper–cobalt oxide ore

For each flotation test, one kg of the crushed ore has been subjected to wet grinding in ball mill for obtaining granulometry of d 80 of 74 μm and flotation pulp with specific gravity of 1200 g/L. The ore has been initially subjected to talc pre-flotation during 3 min followed by copper–cobalt bulk rougher for 30 min.The talc pre-flotation has …

Oxidative weathering of a copper sulphide ore and its …

Various oxidation events can affect a sulphide ore, either during in situ weathering of an ore body or during the different extraction and processing stages (mining operations, stockpiling, crushing, milling and flotation). In this study, a hypogene copper sulphide ore was artificially oxidised to various lengths of time by percolating a small ...


The process involves two basic flotation methods: (a) fatty acid flotation of oxide copper minerals from siliceous ore, and (b) sulphidization of oxide copper minerals followed by …

Maximise pyrite depression in copper ore flotation using …

2023/05/01. Numerous copper flotation plants have to use high salinity water, but high salinity water is detrimental to copper flotation by promoting copper activation on pyrite. Despite the effective depression of pyrite by the combined use of sodium metabisulfite (MBS, NaSO) and Hi-Cr steel grinding media in high salinity water, many copper ...

The development of a sulfidisation technique to restore the flotation …

The role played by base-metal ions in the sulfidisation of oxidised pentlandite surfaces was tested by adding either iron or copper ions either before sulfidisation or during sulfidisation at a sulfide ion potential of −650 mV.In the case where the base-metal ions were added prior to sulfidisation, the solution was adjusted to pH 9 and contacted with …

The development of a sulfidisation technique to restore the flotation

The sulfidisation of a thermally oxidised Nkomati massive sulfide ore was successful in restoring the flotation recoveries of the oxidised sulfide minerals including pentlandite.

Simplified flotation flowsheet of oxidized copper-cobalt …

The flotation by surface sulphidisation of the oxidized copper-cobalt-bearing ore from Kimpe (1.97% Cu; 0.66% Co) was studied in order to evaluate its behavior by the analysis of its most ...

Review, Evolution and Optimization of the Kansanshi …

Over the last six years, the Kansanshi copper/gold mine has continued to process significant quantities of complex transitional mixed ores. The effect of the complex mineralogy on the flotation performance is depicted. Initially, ore treated came predominantly from accumulated stockpiles.

Recovery of cobalt and copper through reprocessing of …

Based on the obtained results, it appears that the reprocessing of tailings of our focus can be successfully achieved through flotation. This practice can be suggested to the mining operator in view the best management of tailings associated to the beneficiation of oxidised ores of copper and cobalt achieved at the Kambove Concentrator.

Flotation of an Oxidized Copper Sulfide Ore

The sample contained: 1.99 % Cu, 6.3 % Fe, 1.64 ppm Au, 8.57 ppm Ag, 13.9 ppm Pb, and 129 ppm Zn. After desliming, the flotation feed assayed 2.7% Cu having about 98% of the copper content in the ...

A New Technique for Recovering Copper From Complex …

At present, the treatment methods for copper oxide ore mainly include flotation, 5, 6 leaching 7, 8 and flotation and metallurgical processes. 9 The flotation …

(PDF) Investigation of flotation parameters for copper recovery …

Potassium ethyl xanthate has been reported to have enhanced hydrophobicity and promotion of bubbles in the flotation of low-grade copper ore [10, 22]. It has been reported that the total loss of ...


of minerals, association of gangue mineral slimes and the presence of oxidised copper minerals pose special problems in designing the flotation process and achieving the desired results [1-3]. The present paper deals with the results of characterisation and flotation studies carried out a low grade complex copper ore sample

Copper Flotation

A Copper Flotation Flowsheet. Because the copper in this type of ore usually assays only plus or minus 1% copper, the porphyry copper operations must be relatively large in order to be commercial. The flowsheet in this study illustrates a typical 3,000 ton per day operation. In general most operations of this type have two or more …

PGM extraction from oxidized ores using flotation and …

Secondly, the direct leaching of improved PGM flotation recoveries from oxidized ore by using the oxidized PGM ore using aqua regia, HNO3, H2SO4, and HCL controlled potential sulphidization to restore the floatability of was also evaluated for PGM extraction. The concentrate from the oxidized pentlandite. Sulphidization is an aqueous process by ...

Flotation of Nickel-Copper Sulphide Ore: Optimisation …

the flotation recovery of Ni, Cu and Co from a nickel-copper sulphide ore. The effect on flotation performance of various parameters such as pH, collector dosage, % solids and depressant dosage at different levels was investigated. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to optimize the process parameters for the flotation of base metals ...

Investigation into the mineralogy and flotation …

5. Conclusions The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of geological oxidation/alteration on the mineralogy and flotation performance of PPM ''silicate reef'' ore. Oxidised PPM ore is …

Assessing the depression of high-concentration pyrite in copper …

Chalcopyrite became more reactive and oxidised, activating pyrite at pH 10.5. ... The pyrite recovery from the flotation of the copper ore with 25 % pyrite was finally reduced as the pH increased from 10.5 to 11.5. Nonetheless, the improved Cu concentrate grade was limited, only comparable to that produced from the flotation of the copper …

Effect of Long-Term Stockpiling on Oxidation and …

and Flotation Response of. Low-Grade Copper Sulphide Ore. 1. Introduction. Minerals 2023, 13, 269. https:// doi/10.3390/min13020269. Academic …

A New Technique for Recovering Copper From Complex Copper Oxide Ore …

Copper oxide ore has a complex composition, and a low recovery rate is often achieved via the traditional sorting method. A new combined process of flotation–high-gradient magnetic separation–leaching is proposed here to recover copper minerals. The test results showed that the flotation process was successful when using …

A Review of the Flotation of Copper Minerals | International …

G. Poling, "Flotation of oxidised copper," Santiago, 1973. T. Deng and J. Chen, "Treatment of oxidised copper ores with emphasis on refractory ores," Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, vol. 7, no. 3-4, pp. 175-202, 1991. A. Mulaba and D. Bell, "Some aspects of laboratory flotation of Copper-Co minerals from mixed …

Recovery of cobalt and copper through reprocessing of …

DOI: 10.1016/J.JECE.2013.08.025 Corpus ID: 137321018; Recovery of cobalt and copper through reprocessing of tailings from flotation of oxidised ores @article{Lutandula2013RecoveryOC, title={Recovery of cobalt and copper through reprocessing of tailings from flotation of oxidised ores}, author={Michel Shengo …


with the results of characterisation and flotation studies carried out a low grade complex copper ore sample with a view to design process for its concentration to a product suitable for extraction of metal. EXPERIMENTAL The copper ore sample used for the studies assayed 0.95% Cu with 80.46% SiO2 and 9.55% A1,03.

Flotation of copper oxide minerals: A review

For copper ores with oxidation rates of up to 94%, flotation tests have been performed by sulfidization-xanthate flotation, 2,5-dithiol-1,3,4-thiodiazole flotation, and sulfidization-2,5-dithiol-1,3,4 thiodiazole–xanthate flotation.

Investigation into the mineralogy and flotation performance of oxidised

Lee et al. (2009) using AM 28 in a mixture with a traditional xanthate collector in laboratory-scale batch flotation tests achieved copper recoveries from a sulfide/oxide ore blend (containing chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite, malachite) which were superior to those obtained using xanthate only after controlled potential sulfidisation (CPS).

Role of sodium sulfide in the flotation of oxidized copper, …

This paper reviews uses of sodium sulfide in the flotation of oxide minerals of copper, lead, and zinc. The activation and depression effects of sodium sulfide are of particular …

Flotation of Nickel-Copper Sulphide Ore: …

The flotation by surface sulphidisation of the oxidized copper-cobalt-bearing ore from Kimpe (1.97% Cu; 0.66% Co) was studied in order to evaluate its behavior by the analysis of its most ...

Copper processing

The flotation concentrate is then dewatered and filtered to produce a filter cake that is sent to a copper smelter. Copper processing - Ores, Refining, Smelting: Principal forms in which copper ores are found include native copper, porphyry copper, massive deposits, and mixed ores. Native copper is simply the metal found unadulterated in nature.

Mechanochemical sulfidization of a mixed oxide-sulphide copper ore …

The influence of adding sulfur as mechanochemical sulfidization agent into ball mill without any other additive was studied on the flotation of mixed copper ore using different weight ratios including 0.2 wt%, 0.5 wt%, 1 wt%, 2 wt%, 5 wt%, 8 wt% and 12 wt%, and then was compared with sulfidization flotation as shown in Fig. 2.

(PDF) Investigating The Mineralogy Of An Oxidised South African PGM Ore

The grinding and flotation chemistry were compared and linked to the flotation behaviour of the ore samples. The results reveal that as oxidation progressed the copper metallurgy deteriorated.

Assessment of water quality effects on flotation of copper–cobalt oxide ore

Results from lab scale flotation show that when process water was re-used copper and cobalt recovery from an oxidized ore decreased respectively with 25% and 30% at the rougher stage bringing lower grade concentrate as well. The presence of thiosulphate ions contributed to slow down of NaHS consumption during sulphidisation …

A review of the beneficiation of copper-cobalt-bearing …

The first attempts for using hydroxamates in the flotation of Cu–Co oxidised ore in Katanga date back to1971 at the Kamoto Concentrator (Lualaba). They were used in combination with xanthates during the flotation of oxidised ores and significant improvements in the selectivity and recovery of Cu–Co were observed (Evrard & De …

Improving the efficiency of oxide copper–cobalt ores flotation …

In this study, flotation of oxidised ores rich in copper and cobalt from Mupine deposit in the Democratic Republic of Congo had been investigated. This ore contains 4.85% copper, 0.16% cobalt.

Investigation into the mineralogy and flotation performance of oxidised

Effect of Alteration on the Mineralogy and Flotation Performance of PPM Platinum Ore. The 2.05-Ga Bushveld Complex in South Africa, host to many lucrative ore deposits (e.g. platinum group elements (PGE)), is surprisingly pristine and unaltered, given its geological age. In some….

Flotation of an Oxidized Copper Sulfide Ore

PDF | This paper presents the results of the characterization and processing of the Hofrat En Nahas copper sulfide ore from Sudan …

The Potential of Modified Starches as Mineral Flotation …

The oxidised starch with the larger molecular weight structures depressed copper-activated pyrite best, and the oxidised starch with lower molecular weight structures was better at depressing graphite. ... To improve relevance to real ore applications, flotation conditions for the graphite system are based upon information …