nickel lting and refining process


Metallurgy - Refining, Alloying, Smelting: Refining is the final procedure for removing (and often recovering as by-products) the last small amounts of impurities left after the major extraction steps have been completed. It leaves the major metallic element in a practically pure state for commercial application. The procedure is accomplished in three ways: …


NICKEL-COPPER MNNG, LTING AND REFINING INDWTRY IN CANADA 14O - p QUA WA 1941 Price 25 cents . am r—A . ... In cxi•stence but not included as part of the nickel-copper mining, smelting and refining industry prior to 1939. Table 2 - OUTPUT FROM CANADIAN NICKEL-COPPER MINES AND SMELTERS, 1938 - 1940 (Short tons)

Nickel / cobalt mining extraction procedures

The process begins by adding the sulfide-associated mineral to a reactor with sulfuric acid and pressurised air. This procedure removes the sulphides to obtain nickel (II) sulfate and cobalt (II) sulfate in solution. In this first dissolution stage, the sulfide is removed. NiS + 2O2 NiSO4. CoS + 2O2 CoSO4.

Nickel processing

Nickel processing - Alloying, Extraction, Refining: Pure nickel possesses a useful combination of properties, including corrosion resistance, good strength, and high …

Zone Refining

The principle of zone refining is that the impurities in an ingot or ore of metal are more soluble in the melt state when compared to the corresponding solid-state of the impurities. In the zone refining process, the impurities are concentrated at one end of the block of metal so that the rest of the block is purified.

Chemical aspects of mixed nickel-cobalt hydroxide precipitation and

The MHP (PT Gebe Industry Nickel) refining process aims to obtain the nickel contain (51.43% by weight of MHP, analyzed by PT CCIC Jakarta) in the form of Ni(CH3COO)2 compounds.

(PDF) Nickel Laterite Smelting Processes and Some

The typical nickel grades and recoveries for the RKEF process, the low-grade ferro-nickel production process, the ESS process, the V aniukov process, and the reduction roasting–magnetic ...

Recent advances in the recovery of germanium during the zinc refining …

Alkaline leaching is very suitable for the properties of germanium, but according to the acid recovery process of zinc refining, adjusting the leaching system of germanium will cause serious resource consumption. Alkaline leaching agents are rarely used in the recovery process of germanium in zinc refining residues. 3.3. Field …

Strategies for improving the environmental performance of nickel …

Nickel-containing industrial wastes from various regions were recycled to produce nickel anode plates via furnace smelting and electric arc refining furnace processes (CNMIA, 2016). Here, the abovementioned nickel anode plate was used as the raw material in the electrolysis process at the refining stage of electrolytic nickel …


Abstract. Nickel plays both negative and positive roles in petroleum refining. Found as a naturally occurring trace element in many crude oils and bound in oil-soluble ligation, nickel concentrations range from a few to over 250 ppm. In the conversion of crude oils to transportation fuels, these concentrations generally cause problems.

(PDF) Electroslag remelting: A process overview

The steel of concern, whose composition is listed in Table 1, was melted in an air induction furnace, and then subjected to an electroslag refining (ESR) process to enhance its quality and ...

Niihama Nickel Refinery | About Us | Sumitomo …

The Niihama Nickel Refinery is the only plant in Japan that produces electrolytic nickel and electrolytic cobalt. Electrolytic nickel production began in 1939 and has since undergone two major production process …

KaLeigh Long, Westwin Elements, and Lawton's uncertain future in nickel

L AWTON, Okla. (KSWO) - Westwin Elements founder and CEO KaLeigh Long, 28, recently spoke to KSWO about what drove her to bring the very first nickel and cobalt refinery to the United States. She ...

Nickel production Harjavalta | Production process

The department runs several production lines: sulphate, hydroxycarbonate and hydroxide lines. Sulphate lines produce STD (standard) quality and EN (electroless nickel) quality nickel sulphate crystals. Hydroxycarbonate lines produce so-called dry, paste and granule products. The end products of the hydroxy line are STD and HD quality hyroxide.

Nickel in process engineering

Pharmaceutical. Nickel-containing stainless steels are widely used in the pharmaceuticals industry because of their inertness, resistance to corrosion, ease of cleaning and ease of …

Direct extraction of nickel and iron from laterite ores using …

The carbonyl method of refining nickel and iron was invented more than 100 ... 100 years monopoly of the carbonyl method of nickel refining, seldom any process details were published or discussed in public. Nevertheless, despite all these measures, today, between 20% and 25% of nickel is refined by the Mond process (Crundwell et …

How clean can the nickel industry become?

Sulfide orebodies usually extend in depth but with a limited footprint. The produced concentrates need to be smelted in a process emitting SO 2-rich gases, and the refining of smelted products is usually …

Facility-level energy and greenhouse gas life-cycle assessment …

The global weighted average percent of cobalt of the total useful metal output of nickel refineries was 4%; this energy credit was applied to the nickel refining process. 2.9. ScrapStainless steel is one of the more highly recycled metals; the secondary nickel content of stainless steel production was more than 40% in 2000 (Reck et al., 2008 ...

The Results of the Brass Refining Process in the Reducer Conditions

The results presented in the dissertation show the influence of a kind and concentration of the flux added during the process of the lead brass smelting on its structure, chemical composition and ...

Comprehensive Review on Metallurgical …

The low-grade nickel matte produced by flash smelting and bath smelting needs further converting to produce the high-grade nickel matte to meet the treatment requirements of …

Refining Vegetable Oils: Chemical and Physical Refining

The bleaching is a critical step in the refining process of oils [ 57, 58 ], preceded generally by degumming, neutralization, and drying processes. Bleaching is a complex physical and chemical process employed in the refining of vegetable oils. The objective of bleaching (or decolorizing) is to reduce the levels of colored pigments …

Hydrometallurgical nickel and cobalt plants and …

The leaching process results in an aqueous nickel and/or cobalt sulfate solution. This solution is further treated through iron, manganese, and other impurity-removal and …

Preparation of high-purity nickel by floating zone refining …

As the refining process progresses, the servo system moves the nickel rod downward at a speed of 0.6 mm/min until the refining length reaches 75 mm, ensuring a consistent and stable molten zone. After four repetitions of the above refining process, the final high-purity nickel sample can then be analyzed for impurity content to assess the ...

Hydrometallurgical Nickel And Cobalt Production From …

The nickel metal is ingrained within the stable goethite matrix (oxidic mineral phase) which requires stringent actions (high energy and/or chemical attack) for its dissociation. 70% Ni and 81% Co ...

Recent Progress in Hydrometallurgical …

Laterites. According to the International Nickel Study Group (INSG), global refined nickel production was approxi-mately 2.5 Mt in 2020. The world's ten largest nickel pro-ducers …

Nickel: smelting, producing-Metalpedia

A second common form of further refining involves the leaching of the metal matte into a nickel salt solution, followed by the electro-winning of the nickel from solution by plating …

10 Questions Answered About Electrowinning and …

Electrowinning can also be done on a smaller scale and for more niche applications. Both electrowinning and electrolytic refining can produce very high purity metals exceeding 99.99%. 9. What are the issues of conventional electrowinning? For the most part, electrowinning is a rather straightforward and simple process.