high rate thickener mixing chamber

AltaFlo High Rate Thickeners

Applications. Rake-less design with no moving parts or wear items. Internal automatic dilution circuit. Small footprint. Simple design. The WesTech AltaFlo High-Rate …

launches new high rate thickening solution

The HRT-S complements 's existing High-Rate Thickener product family which consists of the HRT and HRT-S products. The HRT-S thickener is a part of 's Planet Positive offering, enabling savings in power consumption, reduction in embedded carbon, and decreased maintenance costs. ... The HRT-S comes with …

PHOENIX AltaFlo Ultra High-Rate Thickener

The PHOENIX AltaFlo™ Thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides ultra high-rate mixing, flocculation and internal dilution followed by clarification and positive sludge collection and removal in a single tank. For complete elimination of the slurry pond, a …


technologies include high rate clarification, filtration, biological treatment, and disinfection for drinking water applications. Below are some of the products offerings: • AquaDAF® Clarifier • DensaDeg® Clarifier/Softener/Thickener • Superpulsator® Clarifier • Accelator® Clarifier-Softener • Greenleaf Filter System

AltaFlo™ High-Rate Thickener

The AltaFlo™ ultra high-rate thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides mixing, flocculation and internal dilution followed by clarification and positive sludge collection …

HiFlo™ High-Rate Thickener

The high-rate thickeners are used in many types of process circuits to separate liquids and solids at very high rates. They are highly effective in coal refuse thickening, gold recovery, CCD circuits, copper leaching, molybdenum processing and other mining and chemical flowsheets. Separation is effected rapidly because of the system hydraulics ...

High rate thickener HR-THK

Thickeners are utilized in various solid/liquid separation processes in order to increase the density of a process stream. Feed solids concentration is the single most important variable affecting the sedimentation properties of given slurry. High-rate thickener. ANDRITZ process engineering will determine the optimum percentage of feed solids ...

Beginners guide to thickeners

Beginners guide to thickeners. Thickening is a process where a slurry or solid-liquid mixture is separated to a dense slurry containing most of the solids and an overflow of essentially clear water (or liquor in leaching processes). The driving force for the separation is gravitational, where the differences in phase densities drive the ...

AltaFlo™ Ultra High-Rate Thickeners

The PHOENIX AltaFlo™ Thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides ultra high-rate mixing, flocculation, and internal dilution followed by clarification and positive sludge collection and removal in a single tank. The Thickener's unique internal geometry, a deep sidewall and steep conical bottom provides underflow concentration comparable ...

WesTech 12 M AltaFlo Ultra High-Rate Thickener

WesTech. The AltaFlo™ ultra high-rate thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides mixing, flocculation and internal dilution followed by clarification and positive sludge collection and removal in a single tank. The principles of flocculation have been further adapted to a new design that will thicken slurries at an even higher rate than ...

High rate thickener HRT-S

with high solids retention and mixing efficiency that eliminates feed short-circuiting. Reactorwell™ offers low shear for ideal floccule growth, even discharge symmetry as well as excellent feed preparation. Reactorwell™ enables maximum thickener usage due to a higher exit symmetry, resulting in better thickener operability and

HiFlo™ High-Rate Thickeners | PHOENIX Process Equipment

HiFlo™ High Rate Thickeners / Clarifiers provide rapid liquid-solid separation of high flow rates with optimum flocculation and adapts to process fluctuations. HiFlo™ Thickeners …

McLanahan | High-Rate Thickeners

3:33. High-Rate Thickeners separate liquids from solids using hindered settling. Rotating rake arms collect settled sludge and move it toward the center discharge cone. They use minimal amounts of polymers/chemicals to drop the solids, making High-Rate Thickeners environmentally friendly. Thickeners are operated and controlled by a touch-screen ...

Paste Thickeners

The underflow of high-rate thickeners is "slurry," which has relatively no or only minor yield stress. Conversely, WesTech ... An inner chamber converts the feed energy into a concentric radial flow for optimal mixing of flocculent and solids in all areas of the main chamber. The main feedwell chamber then evenly


Like the High Rate thickener, the Paste thickener uses high floccu lant dosage and optimised feed . ... Delivering dilution water and mixing this water with incoming feed slurry, addition of ...

High Rate Thickeners

Description. The High-Rate thickeners became popular in the mid 1980's and are relatively newcomers to the sedimentation line of equipment. As already discussed previously Thickeners are a major component in a plant layout and occupy large spaces which may be saved by introducing high-rate machines. Furthermore, they are normally positioned …

Mineral processing: Introducing 'next generation' feedwells

Modern high rate thickeners generally incorporate some form of internal dilution into the feedwell to dilute the feed and improve flocculation. Other than some minor design changes, feedwells in high rate thickeners have changed little for nearly 40 years. The feedwell's job. A thickener feedwell has six basic functions to fulfil: 1.

HiFlo™ High-Rate Thickeners | PHOENIX Process Equipment

Properly mix and deliver polymers for dewatering and thickening. Logwashers. Remove dirt, loam, clay contaminants, and other deleterious materials from aggregate feedstock. ... PHOENIX HiFlo™ High Rate Thickeners clarify wash plant effluent water while thickening the slurry to 40-45% solids, greatly reducing the underflow slurry rate to the ...


The WesTech HiFloTM high-rate thickener is used in many types of process circuits to separate liquids and solids at very high rates. It is highly efective in coal refuse …

How to Size a Thickener

Fix a narrow strip of paper on one side of the container. Mix pulp thoroughly. Draw a line on the paper at the top of the pulp and mark "0" minutes. For five minutes, at one-min­ute intervals, mark the point to which the solids have settled. This determines the free settling rate of the solids at the initial density.

McLanahan | How A High-Rate Thickener Works …

How A High-Rate Thickener Works. How It Works Videos. McLanahan High-Rate Thickeners help producers reduce settling ponds or tailings storage facilities by recovering clear process liquid. They can be an on …

AltaFlo™ Ultra High-Rate Thickeners

The PHOENIX AltaFlo™ Thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides ultra high-rate mixing, flocculation, and internal dilution followed by clarification and positive sludge …

High Rate Thickeners

REACTORWELL™ TECHNOLOGY. Both High Rate Thickeners (HRT & HRT-S) come with Reactorwell™ technology. Reactorwell™ is a new generation feedwell with high …

High-rate Thickener

the thickener. WesTech's EvenFloTM design consists of a two-part feedwell system. An inner chamber converts the feed energy into a concentric radial flow for optimal mixing of flocculent and solids in all areas of the main chamber. The main feedwell chamber then evenly distributes the feed into the sedimentation zone of the thickener.

Thickener Optimization Package

An inner chamber converts the feed energy into a concentric radial flow. The main feedwell ... proper dilution/feed mixing inside the feedwell. Dilution ... at twice the settling rate of a high rate thickener. The geometry of the unit provides for a deep compaction bed, allowing the thickener to achieve relatively high ...

AltaFlo™ High-Rate Thickener

DESCRIPTION. The AltaFlo™ ultra high-rate thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides mixing, flocculation and internal dilution followed by clarification and positive sludge collection and removal in a single tank. The principles of flocculation have been further adapted to a new design that will thicken slurries at an even higher rate ...

High Rate Thickeners

The mixed feed then flows to the settling chamber. Since the solids are fully flocculated, there is no retention time demand, and since the floe structure is well …

Conventional Thickener Flocculation Chamber Price

Conventional Thickener Flocculation Chamber Price T13:06:21+00:00 Thickener EKCP. High Rate Conventional types / Hydraulic Mechanical Drives EIMCOKCP Thickeners are designed for continuous operation in metallurgical, ore processing, Chemical Industries and conventional thickener mixing well price …

Thickeners and clarifiers Complete range of reliable and …

4 FLS — Thickeners and Clarifiers High-rate thickeners High-rate thickeners are designed to provide roughly 12 times the throughput of conventional machines of similar size. The key features for high-capacity thickeners are the feedwell design and the feed slurry dilution method. Our patented E-Volute™ feedwell offers Computational Fluid ...

PHOENIX AltaFlo Ultra High-Rate Thickener

The PHOENIX AltaFlo™ Thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides ultra high-rate mixing, flocculation and internal dilution followed by clarification and positive sludge collection and removal in a single tank. For complete elimination of the slurry pond, a PHOENIX Belt Filter Press or Recessed Chamber


10% solids by weight, eliminating the need for a gravity thickener. The combination of the high rise rate and the elimination of the separate thickener reduces the total process footprint. The entire process takes place in a single basin, greatly simplifying installation. Package steel units are designed with nominal flow rates of 175, 350, 700 ...