screening of ballast in railway


Where complete track renewal or through sleeper renewal is planned, deep screening of ballast should also be planned and executed. The progress of deep screening should match with the progress of renewals and should precede complete track renewal or through sleeper renewal by a couple of days. ... Indian Railways specification IRS - T - 12/96 ...


In order to ensure supply of uniform quality of ballast, the following norms shall be followed in respect of sampling, testing and acceptance: 5.2.1 On supply of the first 100 cum, the tests for Size & Gradation, Abrasion Value, Impact Value and Water Absorption (if prescribed) shall be carried out by Railway.

Ballast cleaning machines

The results of the screening using ballast cleaning machines made by Plasser & Theurer are excellent as the fine grain proportion is often lower than in new ballast. When working on superelevation in track curves, the screening unit can always be held horizontally …

3. 1 Tie Tamping Machines

For this purpose, planning and execution of deep screening of ballast, as well as training out of ballast should be done well in advance. ii) Sanction of Commissioner of Railway Safety for working of the concerned …

Railway Ballast | Function Of Stones In Railway …

The function of ballast in railway track. Ballast is a common trackbed structure in the railway transport system, which is used to support track sleepers. A layer of crushed stones will be laid on the roadbed …


(3) In case of deep screening, assessment of ballast required for recoupment and providing standard section should be made by deep screening the ballast section to …

Ballast | The PWay Engineer

Ballast is an integral component of the track system, and when well maintained, it provides important functions in supporting and restraining the track while allowing water to drain away quickly. Although other systems, such as slab track exist, the maintainability and effectiveness of ballast track show why it is the most used railway ...

60 years of modern ballast cleaning machines: ballast

60 years of modern ballast cleaning machines: ballast bed behaviour and the importance of ballast bed cleaning, and introduction of first machines (Part 1 of 2) The ballast bed …

Study of Ballast Fouling in Railway Track Formations

Indian railway ballast standards do not address the requirements of bulk density and particle density for the rail ballast. The Australian standard [] specifies that the bulk density of ballast material shall not be less than 1,200 kg/m 3 and that the particle density on a dry basis of ballast material shall not be less than 2,500 kg/m 3.In order to …

Large-scale triaxial and box testing on railroad ballast: a …

The use of railway transportation systems has been increased throughout the years. The conventional ballasted tracks have been used widely in many countries around the world. Ballast material is the basic element of ballasted tracks. Ballast degrades and deforms after service. Therefore, periodical ballast maintenance is …

Railway ballast layer inspection with different GPR antennas …

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a popular technology for inspecting railway ballast layer, mainly on the ballast fouling level. However, different GPR …

Railway Ballast Screening Machine | Jinggong Excavator

Railway Ballast Screening Machine. Ballast screening machines are equipped to effectively remove contaminants from the ballast. These contaminants, such as debris, dirt, and vegetation, are efficiently separated and disposed of aside from the track or into designated rolling stock. This cleaning process ensures the removal of unwanted …

Plasser American: Machine

The RM 80 is a well proven, high-performance Ballast Cleaning machine that gives top quality results in the toughest operating conditions. The high-powered cutting chain and specially designed screening unit ensures high working speeds, even in heavily fouled, encrusted ballast. The RM 80's 50 mph travel speed and short setup and knock down ...

Ballast Assessment Inspection | Track Component Imaging

Power Infrastructure. Signal and Train Control. View All Solutions. Ballast is the foundation of the railroad but as it deteriorates, it can limit the ability of the track to perform …

Ballast management

Railway vehicles and components. Ballast management. The ballast needed for a functioning track network is an important capital asset. Enormous investment costs for substantial quantities of ballast make cost-efficient management of the raw material essential. Economical distribution of ballast over the complete network is a big source of ...


section should be made by Deep Screening the ballast section to the full depth in a rail length for 2-3 sleepers at every ½ to 1 km. 9. BALLAST SPECIFICATINS 9.1 Basic Quality Ballast should be hard, durable and as far as possible angular along edges/corners, free from weathered portion of parent rock, organic impurities and inorganic residues.

Machines of choice

Depending on the ballast cleaning machine model and site conditions, the Plasser machines can excavate between 350 to 750 m³ of ballast per hour. The ballast cleaner can be fitted with a wide cutterbar for screening …

Function of Ballast in Railway Track

The residual obtained from the coal used in locomotives is known as cinder or ash. It is available in large quantities in all railways. This type of ballast normally is used in yards and sidings or as an initial ballast in new construction being cheap and easily available. Sand Ballast . Sand ballast stands fourth in merits as a ballast material.

Field assessment of railway ballast degradation and …

For track replenishment, deep screening of ballast is usually adopted by Indian Railway (IR) either after 10 years or passage of 500 MGT traffic, whichever is earlier.

SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY Fly Leaf No. 02/2022 …

curves, screening of ballast other than deep screening and scattered renewal of sleepers may be carried out without restriction when the rail temperature is below tm + 25°C in the case of zone I & II and tm + 20°C in the zone III and IV. However, on curves of less than

Essential Components Of A Railroad Track

Sand Ballast: Sand ballast is predominantly used in tracks where noise reduction is a priority, such as urban areas. It provides adequate drainage but may require more frequent maintenance due to its tendency to shift. Cinder Ballast: Cinder ballast is made from the combustion residues of coal and is commonly used in older railway systems ...


Railroads are kept perfectly efficient thanks to careful maintenance. Periodically, the ballast is restored with a specific machine on a rail car where this type of screen is installed. Efficient screening, durability and reliability are the results of years of experience and collaboration with specific companies in this sector.


3.19 The efficiency of screening shall be judged by collecting four samples of the screened material as it falls from the machine. Not more than 4% of screened ballast by volume shall pass through a 25 mm Sieve (ISI Standard). Four samples of the muck disposed by BCM shall also be collected.

(PDF) Design and Modification of Railroad Ballast

Screening unit of ballast distribution system. ... Railway ballast serves as a major structural and drainage component of railroad track, but is known to degrade over time. This progressive ...

Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Guidelines

•Screening Car – removes fines from shoulder ballast; size and shape of screens can be varied to suit conditions. •Ballast return - % return can vary depending on size of existing shoulder, age of ballast and screen size; generally 80 - 90% ballast return is achievable. Recovery of excess ballast will reduce top -up ballast required.

Railway & Rail Track Ballast Waste Recycling Solutions

Railway ballast that has lost its geotechnical properties and is no longer able to fully support the rail track or provide adequate drainage has to be renewed. However, rather than sending the old ballast to landfill, much of this spent material can be turned into valuable recycled products by an effective washing and screening process.

Microsoft Word

9.1 The Sr.DEN/Co. and sectional DEN/Sr. DEN shall deal with management of ballast procurement including tendering and contract management for depots and cess supply respectively. 9.2 The distribution of the ballast within the division and outside division will be coordinated by Sr. DEN (Co.) in consultation with CTE.

Efficient Reuse of Railway Track Waste Materials

The following sections explain these two main ways of reusing track materials, pointing out the advantages and drawbacks associated with each method. 2.1. Direct Uses. This section introduces the direct uses of all the materials found in railway superstructures: rails, fastenings, sleepers, and ballast.