is basalt used as coarse aggregate

Research and application of statistical law of VCA formed …

Basalt coarse aggregates were selected in this study, which were manufactured in Shandong Province, China. As the first time research in our plan and considering the experimental program design, the maximum and minimum particle sizes were simply designated as 16 mm and 2.36 mm, respectively.And the investigated …

An Experimental Study on the Bond Strength of Basalt …

According to IS 2386, the physical properties of the coarse aggregate and fineness modulus were found.Fineaggregate passing through 4.75 mm IS sieve was used. Steel slag is most abundantly available

Chapter 4

Because ï¬ ne and coarse aggregate gradations as used in HMA are really slight variations of dense gradations, a more accurate description of these would be dense/ï¬ ne and dense/coarse aggregate gradations or …

Basalt Aggregate as Coarse Aggregate in High Strength …

0% basalt (as a control blend), 25% basalt, half basalt, 75% basalt and basalt for every arrangement of outline blend. The arrangement of every blend was 60% coarse …


Table 1: Specific Gravity Material River Fine Coarse Aggregate (Basalt) Coarse Aggregate (Granite) Specific Gravity, (Gs) 2.75 2.8 2.9 From the given Table, basalt has shown that it has more strength than granite and is a better coarse aggregate material. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research 2 …

(PDF) Basalt Aggregate as Coarse Aggregate in High …

As basalt aggregate is a natural aggregate also available in plenty at low cost, an economical and relatively high strength concrete is obtained by using basalt aggregate …

Mechanical and stress-strain behavior of basalt fiber …

Aggregates: As coarse aggregates, natural crushed stone and recycled coarse aggregates (RCA) are used in this test. Fine aggregates are natural river sand. The effects of RCA on the property of concrete are not consistent since each RCA type has a different composition and the quality is different from each other [29].

Effect of coarse basalt aggregates on the properties of Ultra …

In this case, the intrinsic strength of basalt aggregate is higher than ordinary aggregate, dense basalt can easily get a compressive strength more than 150 …

Crushing Characteristics of Coarse Aggregates for Asphalt …

The types of coarse aggregates included basalt aggregate, steel slag, limestone aggregate, marble aggregate, recycled concrete aggregate and slightly weathered aggregate. ... Among these types of aggregate, basalt aggregate is commonly used for the surface wearing course of asphalt pavements in China because it has a …

Experimental Study on the Use of Basalt Aggregate in …

Three cubes for each mix were tested. Five mixes were prepared; namely 0% basalt (as a reference mix), 25% basalt, 50% basalt, 75% basalt and basalt. The composition of each mix was 60% coarse aggregate of 20 mm size and 40% coarse aggregate of 10mm size. Fine aggregate confines to zone-I.

Improving bond strength of recycled coarse aggregate …

Fine aggregate used in this study was natural sand with a fine modulus of 1.27. The types of coarse aggregates used were NA and RCA. The coarse NA was crushed limestone with sieve size ranges between 5 and 22.5 mm. The grading of the NA is shown in Table 1. The RCA was attained by crushing old concrete specimens that …

Geometric Characteristics of BOF Slag Coarse Aggregate …

Basalt was used to create the AC 13 mixture, and the coarse aggregate was replaced by limestone and BOF slags by coarse-fine composition method, respectively. Volumetric and mechanical properties were studied to evaluate the influence of geometric characteristics of BOF slag coarse aggregate on asphalt concrete.

Experimental Study on the Use of Basalt Aggregate in

This study aims to produce the HSSCC series by using basalt and waste marble aggregates in certain volumetric ratios instead of limestone-based crushed …

Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Aggregate Production in

The production of aggregate for the infrastructural development of the country has been increasing for the last three decades due to the high urbanization rates in the main cities of the country and the ever-growing demand for basic infrastructural facilities. The environmental impact of both fine and coarse aggregate production is …


consists of 50% coarse aggregate and 50% fine aggregate in weight. The selected aggregate gradation was in accordance with the General Directory of Turkish Highway (GDTH) recommended gradation for granular base layers. ... Freeze–thaw is one of the major problems in the region where the basalt aggregates are used. As seen in Fig.3, …

Mechanical and Pore Properties of Concrete Using Basalt …

The coarse aggregates include mixtures of basalt with natural basalt aggregate (BA), raw recycled aggregate (RRA), and improved recycled aggregate (PRA), respectively. ... However, the main aggregate used in this experiment is basalt, and the air content partially increases because a large number of pores (large and small) are included in the ...


Basalt. Coarse Aggregate. Compressive Strength ABSTRACT. This present research was on the comparison of the efficacious use of basalt and granite as coarse aggregates in concrete work. In order to obtain the basis for comparison, physical and structural tests were conducted on the different materials of the concrete and the …

Effect of coarse basalt aggregates on the properties of …

Instead of limestone-based coarse aggregates, waste marble and basalt aggregates were used at 25, 50, 75, and 100 % ratios by volume. Thus, a series of eight different HSSCCs and a control HSSCC ...

Experimental study on the use of basalt aggregate in concrete mixes

An experimental program is set up to test the effect of basalt aggregate content and its combinations with lime stone with variation of percentages in concrete mixes. Different aggregate ...

Chemical aspects of the application of basalt in cement …

Basalt in cementitious composites can be utilized in various forms. In its natural state, depending on its grain size, it can play a role of a pozzolanic active component or coarse aggregate. Basalt can also be used as concrete reinforcing material of different shapes and sizes, such as fibers, ropes, fabrics, or rods/bars.

Influence of Coarse Aggregate Size and Type on the Design …

Coarse aggregates (CA) Two types of CA, granite and basalt are used to prepare the PQC mix in the present study. Granitic aggregates are derived from intrusive igneous rocks and are composed predominantly of silica. The grain or texture varies from fine to coarse. Granitic aggregates are more abrasion resistant and hard to break.

A study on Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete utilising …

According to the current study, clam seashells have been partially replaced for coarse aggregate. There is still a lack of exploration concerning its strength properties of concrete, when sea shell used as a replacement for coarse aggregate. Basalt Fiber has tangible malleable property; thus, it can be utilized as a fibre reinforcement material.

Research and application of statistical law of VCA formed …

In order to fulfill the objective, several different size basalt coarse aggregates were used in research, and a regression model of VCA was established. As long as the established regression model is valid and reliable, then it can be used to reveal the forming mechanism of VCA of the specific coarse aggregates and a universal law …

All About Coarse Aggregate: Types & Properties

Coarse aggregate is a term used in construction to describe a type of material that is commonly used in the production of concrete. It is typically made up of various materials such as gravel, crushed stone, and recycled concrete. The size of the coarse aggregate can vary, but it is typically between 3/8 inch and 1.5 inches in diameter.

Effect of Coarse Aggregate Characteristics on Skid …

This study determined the effect of coarse aggregate types and nominal maximum aggregate size (NMAS) on the skid resistance deterioration of an UTWC. Different types of stone mastic asphalt (SMA), which are used in three kinds of coarse aggregates (diabase, limestone, and basalt) and three kinds of NMAS coarse …

Basalt: Igneous Rock

Basalt is used for a wide variety of purposes. It is most commonly crushed for use as an aggregate in construction projects. Crushed basalt is used for road base, concrete …

Predicting the compressive strength of UHPC with coarse aggregates …

The aggregates in the table are mainly divided into carbonate and silicate types. Basalt and Diabase, due to their elastic modulus exceeding 70 GPa and compressive strength over 160 MPa, are frequently used in high-strength concrete. Basalt coarse aggregate is the most widely used UHPC-CA aggregate, and it is a good …

Effects of coarse aggregates on the mechanical

Some research results have shown that the use of coarse aggregates with larger initial strength and elastic modulus leads to better structural strength [42]. Compared with granite and limestone, basalt has higher strength and stiffness and better mechanical properties. However, parent rock strength is not the only factor that affects mortar rubble.

Performance of Recycled Coarse Aggregate Concretes with Basalt …

Coarse aggregates of 20 mm down and retained on 10 mm with specific gravity of 2.7, satisfying IS 383-1970 grading requirement was used. The specific gravity and density of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregates are tabulated in Table 1. The properties of basalt fibers used in this study are shown in Table 2.

Basalt | Properties, Formation, Composition, Uses

Vesicular and Amygdaloidal Textures. Basalt has a number of unique properties that make it useful for various applications. For example, it is known for its …

Performance of Basalt Fibre Reinforced High Density …

The well-graded hematite sand obtained from crushed stones with a fineness modulus of 4.89 is used as the fine aggregate. Both hematite fine and coarse aggregate are obtained from the quarry site "hematite boulders and stone crushed for construction". Cluster basalt fibres (CBF) of size 30s 6 mm length are used as additive in the concrete …