use of marble dust in concrete research paper

ReviewUtilisation of waste marble dust in concrete …

The following research objectives were determined: conduct the current trend in the annual publications of marble dust, determine the optimum proportions of percentage replacement of marble dust, and explore the test properties (chemical …

Use of waste marble and granite dust in structural …

This study is based on reviewing the published research reports on the effects of waste marble and granite dust (WMGD) on the physico-mechanical …

Utilisation of waste marble dust in concrete production: A

This study aimed to develop an M50-grade eco-friendly high-strength concrete incorporating waste materials like marble dust powder (MDP) and fly ash …

Utilization of waste quarry dust and marble …

Marble powder and quarry. dust were utilized at the rate of 12.5%, 25% and 50% as individual replacement for. sand and 25% & 50% as combined replacement in equal proportions and 9 mix (as. shown ...

Marble dust as a binding material in concrete: A review

Marble dust, which is a solid pollutant obtained from the marble manufacturing industry, can be effectively used as a binding material with the …

A brief review on sustainable utilisation of marble waste in concrete

2.2.1. Marble waste as fine aggregate for production of concrete. Marble waste has been tested as a possible replacement of fine aggregate for the production of concrete mixes having w/c ratio in the range 0.4–0.6. Most of the studies have used calcite based marble waste for their studies.

Review of the use of E-waste in concrete production

In the concrete samples with 20%, 30%, and 40% E-plastic aggregate and 15% marble dust, the water penetration depth was 33%, 29%, and 35% less than in the same concretes without marble dust. It was previously observed that when marble dust was used to partially substitute fine aggregate in concrete, increasing the percentage of …

Use of Waste Material for Sustainable Self- Compacting Concrete

For this, a control mix and four other mixes with varying amounts of marble powder as 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% are prepared. These mixes are then tested for their new properties by slump flow, j-ring ...

Utilisation of Waste Marble Dust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete

Concrete specimen were cast using wmd in the laboratory with different proportion (25%, 50% and ) by weight of cement and from the studies it reveals that addition of waste marble dust as a ...

Use of Marble Waste Dust Powder Partially Replacing Cement in Concrete

This research investigates the utilization of marble dust powder in concrete, where marble dust at varying percentage (0%, 15%, 25% & 35%) with replacement by sharp sand was added in M15 grade and water cement ratio …

(PDF) Marble Slurry in Concrete A Review

This research investigates the utilization of marble dust powder in concrete, where marble dust at varying percentage (0%, 15%, 25% & 35%) with replacement by sharp sand was added in M15 grade and water cement ratio …

Experimental investigation on the effect of steel fiber …

This complete research work has been done on M20 grade concrete, in which the marble dust has been partly replaced with different ratios in cement. In this work, marble dust is mixed with cement in the ratio of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%, as well as small pieces of steel wire 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% has been done in proportion Mixed.

Sustainable Recycling of Marble Dust as Cement Replacement in Concrete

The aim of this research was to study the production of calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cement from several industrial waste materials including with marble dust waste, flue gas desulfurization ...

Use of Marble Waste Dust Powder Partially …

This research investigates the utilization of marble dust powder in concrete, where marble dust at varying percentage (0%, 15%, 25% & 35%) with replacement by sharp sand was added in M15 grade and …

Experimental analysis on partial replacement of cement …

Kamal Uddin investigated the use of brick dust as mineral admixture in concrete [48]: They have reported that the concrete prepared from 20% of replacement of cement by WBP showed good resistance to sulfate and chemical attacks.Abdelghami Naceri et al. studied the effect of partial replacement of cement by WBP in mortars [33]: …

A comprehensive review on the use of marble waste in …

numerous attempts have been made to understand the impact of using marble dust in concrete. In the majority of earlier research, marble dust was used in place of cement, fine aggregate or coarse aggregate. In the studies reviewed here, dimensional stone waste from the extraction and processing of marble is examined as a component of concrete.

Marble Powder As Fine Aggregates in Concrete

According to Ergun (2011), when 5% of cement is replaced with marble powder, the compressive strength improves to 11.30%, but drops to 12.14% when 10% of cement is substituted. When fine aggregate ...

(PDF) Use of Waste Marble Sand in Concrete

This paper puts forward the study conducted to understand and explore the suitability of using industrial and quarrying waste marble sand (dust) in concrete as a replacement for fine aggregates ...

(PDF) Influence of marble and limestone dusts as additives …

In this study, some mechanical properties of concrete containing marble dust s (MD) and limest one. dusts (LD) were investigated. Seven concrete mixtures were produced in three series with control ...

Re-use of waste marble dust in the production of cement and concrete

This research investigates the utilization of marble dust powder in concrete, where marble dust at varying percentage (0%, 15%, 25% & 35%) with replacement by sharp sand was added in M15 grade and water cement ratio …


In the study the use of marble dust collected during the shaping process of marble blocks has been investigated in the asphalt mixtures as filler material. The samples having marble dust and limestone dust filler were prepared and optimum binder content was then determined by Marshall Test procedure. Dynamic plaslic deformation tests were carried …

Experimental Study on Use of Waste Marble Dust in Concrete

Disposal of the marble powder material from the marble industry is one of the environmental problems worldwide today.The present study is aimed at utilizing Waste marble powder construction industry itself as fine aggregate in concrete, replacing natural sand. The replacement is done partially and fully in the proportion 0%, 25%, 50% and …

Influence of Marble powder/granules in Concrete mix

In this paper the effect of using marble powder and granules as constituents of fines in mortar or concrete by partially reducing quantities of cement as well as other conventional fines has been ...

Performance of Concrete with Marble Dust as …

The review indicates that in concrete industry marble dust can be used as replacement of sand and it generally improves the mechanical properties of concrete …

Potential applications of marble dust in industrial use by

In this research paper the production process of concrete, with the waste material (Waste Marble Powder and Porcelain powder), used in making of concrete has been discussed.

Re-use of waste marble dust in the production of cement and concrete

This paper presents a study about the utilization of waste marble dust in producing cement and concrete. Marble dust was added by 0.0%, 5.0%, 7.5%, 10.0% and 15.0% replacement ratios by weight of cement and sand. TGA, XRD and SEM analysis were applied for further investigation. Both cement mortar and concrete modified with …

Development of green concrete using waste marble dust

This paper shows how to use a 100 percent alternative to natural sand in concrete with the marble mud dust. This research examined the strength of compression and the microstructure of mixed cement.