technologies for processing copper concentrate

Combined processing technology of the Udokan sulfide copper concentrate

Abstract. The combined processing variant of the Udokan sulfide copper concentrate involving low-temperature roasting with potassium chloride and the subsequent two-stage leaching of the obtained ...

Comparison of environmental performance of modern copper …

The first task was to calculate the environmental footprint of producing blister with and without the concentrate production based on the Ecoinvent reference, market for copper concentrate, sulfide ore, GLO. For this purpose, only one case and scenario was used: the FSF-FCF technology with concentrate grade of 27% and capacity of 1.2 Mt/a.

Metals | Free Full-Text | Purification of Copper Concentrate …

This study presents the results of a two-stage autoclave processing of a copper–arsenic concentrate. Copper concentrate is an important raw material to produce copper and other metals. However, in some cases, the concentrate may contain increased amounts of arsenic, which makes further processing difficult. Therefore, the …

Innovations: How Hydrometallurgy and the SX/EW Process Made

The SX/EW Process. The SX/EW Process is a hydrometallurgical process since it operates at ambient temperatures and the copper is in either an aqueous environment or an organic environment during its processing until it is reduced to the metal. Because of its dependence on sulfuric acid, the SX/EW Process is at present not a substitute for, but ...

Detailed opex comparison of modern copper smelting technologies …

Throughput consumptions of different flowsheets simulated and calculated by HSC-SIM for an annual feed of 1.2 Mt concentrate with 27% Cu. Figure 2. Calculated operating expenses in MUSD, 1.2 Mtpa, 27% Cu. Detailed Opex Comparison Of Modern Copper Smelting Technologies Using Hsc-Sim. by Ali Bunjaku, Hannu Johto, Lauri Pesonen.

Integrated Technology for Processing Gold-Bearing Ore

The article is devoted to the development of technology for the processing of gold-bearing raw materials. In the process of performing the work, the following methods were used: gravity recoverable gold test (method of Knelson, Canada), stage test of the Institute Technologies of mineral separation (Russia) (determination of the optimal size …

Processing of Complex Materials in the Copper Industry: …

Processing of Copper Complex Materials in the Copper Industry. Pyrometallurgical processing of complex copper concentrates has been traditionally …

Copper processing | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica

copper processing, the extraction of copper from its ores and the preparation of copper metal or chemical compounds for use in various products. samovar. Copper samovar. In its pure form or as an alloy, copper (Cu) is one of the most important metals in society. The pure metal has a face-centred cubic crystal structure, and there is no critical ...


PYROMETALLURGICAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES FOR TREATING HIGH ARSENIC COPPER CONCENTRATES ... arsenic concentration in copper for electrical applications is set at 1 ppm [4]. ... studies on the use of roasting and smelting have been published for enargite concentrate treatment [9,10, 11]. Several very good review …

ICSG Factbook 2020

Thousand metric tonnes copper (Bars) and Annual percentage change (Line) Source: ICSG Directory of Copper Mines and Plants – September 2020 Edition. Copper mining capacity is estimated to reach 29.5 million tonnes copper in …

Combined processing technology of the Udokan sulfide copper concentrate …

The combined processing variant of the Udokan sulfide copper concentrate involving low-temperature roasting with potassium chloride and the subsequent two-stage leaching of the obtained sinter consisting of copper chloride and potassium salts is described. At the first stage, water-soluble salts are leached …

Processing of Complex Materials in the Copper Industry

Table I shows a list of identified trends in the copper industry in recent years.1It identifies challenges from: 1. Resource complexity and regulatory pressures. 2. Increases in impurity content in concentrates. 3. Bottlenecks derived from recycling restrictions. 4. Energy and water …

New Technology of Processing Pyrite Concentrate

The most common technology for treatment of pyrite concentrate is high temperature (up to 1500 0C) roasting. consumption of the blowing oxygen, formation of iron in the form of hematite. All reactions are strictly exothermic and considerably heat is generated in the roasting process which can be recovered.

Advancements in Removing Fluorine from Copper Concentrate

Copper concentrates are widely used in smelting operations worldwide and typically consist of chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) as the primary mineral, with chalcocite (Cu2S) and bornite (Cu5FeS4) as secondary copper-bearing minerals. However, these concentrates often contain hazardous impurities, such as the fluorine ion, which can …

Detailed opex comparison of modern copper smelting …

Detailed OPEX comparison of modern copper smelting technologies using HSC-SIM. It is well known that there are many ways to process copper concentrates into copper …

Copper Mining and Processing: Processing Copper Ores

View PDF Download PowerPoint. Oxide and sulfide ores undergo different processes to be purified into 99.99% pure copper. Copper processing is a complicated process that …

Glencore to receive copper concentrate from Generation …

Credit: Vladimir Patkachakov on Unsplash. Glencore International and Generation Mining (Gen Mining) have finalised an offtake term sheet whereby the latter will supply copper concentrate from its Marathon Palladium-Copper Project near Marathon, Ontario, Canada. As the term sheet, Glencore will purchase an average of 50% of the …

Two-Stage Oxidative Leaching of Low-Grade Copper …

for processing sulfide concentrates containing Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn [19,28,29]. In particular, reactor bioleaching can be successfully used (at least on a pilot scale) for the processing of low-grade copper–zinc concentrate, in which it was irrational to use pyrometallurgical processing due to the high zinc content [19].

From Ore to Finished Product

4. Beneficiation of Copper Ore. The next step in processing is called beneficiation. This is the first step in concentrating the copper into a more useable form. 5. Smelting and Extraction. The next step in the process flow is smelting for sulfide ore concentrate and solvent extraction for oxide ore leach solution. 6.


The established general technology which is the aim of the present work, includes 3 stages:-preliminary thermalmechanical processing of the concentrate, meant to decrease the content of sulfur and ...

Drying Copper Concentrates

While various smelting technologies exist, they all depend on a dry feedstock to ensure smelting is conducted as efficiently as possible. The rotary dryer, an industrial drying system used frequently throughout the mining and mineral processing industry, is one of the preferred approaches to drying copper concentrates in this effort.

Albion Process™

Albion Process™ leaches the broadest feed variations, costs less and ramps-up faster. Albion Process™ has real-world success in delivering consistently high recoveries – up to 97% in refractory gold and over 99% in chalcopyrite copper concentrates. It has much lower capital cost than traditional leaching plants like pressure oxidation ...

Arsenic extraction from copper concentrate using …

International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2016: 103âˆ'110. [14] TAYLOR P R, PUTRA T A R. Pyrometallurgical processing technologies for treating high arsenic copper concentrates [M]. Springer, Cham: Celebrating the Megascale, 2014: 197âˆ'211. [15] BARTLETT R W, HAUNG H H. Fluidized bed roasting of lime copper concentrate …

Current Status of Copper-Ore Processing: A Review

For oxide copper ore and some sulfide ores, a combined flotation–hydrometallurgy technology is applied to produce copper concentrate and …

Two-step biohydrometallurgical technology for modernization of

A process of the high temperature ferric leaching of the copper-zinc concentrate and pyrite product during a two-step biohydrometallurgical technology was studied. ... The results of residue analysis obtained from the chemical reactor 1 and bioreactor 3 in the process of the two-step technology testing are demonstrated in Fig. …

Phase Transformation of Impurity Elements and High

2.1 Materials. The raw materials (copper concentrate) used in this study come from a copper smelter in Yunnan, China. The chemical composition of copper concentrate for the furnace is shown in Table 1.It can be seen from the raw material composition that the contents of Cu, Fe, S and SiO 2 are high at 18.98%, 23.19%, …

Toowong Process™ | Core Resources

Core has carried out a $4.5m pilot plant demonstration of the Toowong Process TM. Over 34 days, 1.2 tonnes of concentrate was treated with the process. Arsenic removal of 95% was achieved, lowering the As grade …

New Technology Uses Salt Or Brackish Water To Process Copper Concentrate

September 29, 2016. Flotation froth of copper concentrate during laboratory testing in Santiago, Chile. Barrick has developed and patented a new flotation process that can produce copper concentrates from copper or copper-gold ores using salt or brackish water. The new process, an air-metabisulfite treatment, does not require lime or cyanide.

Current Status of Copper-Ore Processing: A Review

The choice of copper-ore processing technology depends on its composition, i.e., the sulfide, oxide, carbonate, and copper silicate content. Leaders in copper ore processing …

Current Status of Copper-Ore Processing: A Review

The choice of copper-ore processing technology depends on its composition, i.e., the sulfide, oxide, carbonate, and copper silicate content. ... The final copper concentrate produced contains 25.1% copper with 86% recovery. The Mikheevskii MPE, producing 18 million t of porphyry copper ore per year (at a grade of 0.4% …

First Chalcopyrite Copper Concentrate Leaching using …

30% Copper (predominantly Chalcopyrite, Bornite and lesser amounts of Chalcocite) 19% Total Sulphur. 14% Iron. Being originally designed as whole ore leach tanks, their sizing was excessive compared to the planned feed rate and selected equipment. Commissioning took approx. 6 weeks and we managed to achieve a copper leach recovery of >99%.

Copper-processing technologies: Growing global copper …

Developing and scaling new mineral-processing technologies. Three technological developments are gaining acceptance and scaling across the industry and …

Complex Processing of Refractory Pyrite Copper, Copper …

The paper presents an analysis of the current state of mineral processing of copper, copper-zinc, zinc-lead and copper-lead-zinc-pyrite ores. ... The high content of tennantite helps to concentrate an arsenic up to 1% in copper concentrate, which complicates the technology of its pyrometallurgical processing; it requires the disposal …

Roasting Solutions

Process Type Aim and process conditions Feed materials End products Application Partial roasting (exothermic) BFB Removal of As, sulfur is removed partially from 34% to 20% Temp: 550–700 °C Oxygen: < 1 vol% As elimination in Cu- concentrate "As-free" Cu- concentrate, Sulfuric acid Copper roaster Dead roasting (exothermic) BFB/ CFB

Consortium investigates new ways of reducing arsenic in copper …

The concentrate is then smelted in blast furnaces and finally purified in electrochemical electrolysis processes in order to obtain pure copper. Arsenic poses new challenges

Unlocking Critical Copper Through New Technologies | E

Copper processing techniques are evolving to unlock complex, low-grade deposits and speed the funding and permitting of projects vital to the energy transition. By Carly Leonida, European Editor. The drivers for innovation in copper processing are firmly grounded in the macrotrends that are reshaping the global economy.

Processing of Copper-Containing Molybdenite Concentrates by …

The conventional technology for processing molybdenite concentrates is based on performing oxidizing roasting at 580 to 600 °С [].Depending on the concentrate quality, the resulting roasted product (cinder) is either directly used for ferromolybdenum smelting, or subjected to purification by removing impurities using hydrometallurgical …

Plasma-induction technology for reduction processing of copper …

Following the described technologi-cal scheme the obtained extraction degree of copper was 89-93 % at specific consumption of electric power 4,95 kWh/kg liquid metal. Chemical composition of the ...

(PDF) Processing of Complex Materials in the Copper …

Copper. Article PDF Available. Processing of Complex Materials in the Copper Industry: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead. July 2020. JOM: the journal of …

Low-Grade Copper Concentrate Purification and Enrichment …

New technologies allow to extract valuable components selectively and to process low-grade concentrates which had previously been marked as non-technological and economically unviable. Hydrometallurgical technologies for processing of copper-containing materials can be divided into two main categories: chloride and sulfate …