big bench blasting in mining operations

Evaluation and optimization of blasting approaches to

A series of bench blasting productive tests were conducted in Heishan coal mine in Xinjiang, China. The rock mass of the quarry is slightly weathered sandstone, the saturation moisture compressive strength is 24–42 MPa, and the natural density is 2.41–2.69 g/cm 3.The blasthole diameter used in the previous blasts is 138 mm, and the …

Blasting progress accelerated by digital technology

Photo by BME Blasting. Axxis has been used to initiate large scale blasts, with a leading copper mine in southern Africa recently initiating 7 401 electronic delay detonators (EDDs) in a single blast using the system. Larger blasts mean fewer pit stoppages and higher productivity. The latest version of the system – Axxis Titanium – is …

An Evaluation on the Impact of Ore Fragmented by Blasting on Mining

In open-pit mines, the blast operation should be effectively optimized, leading to minimization of production costs through the application of specific technical specifications. However, there is inadequate information in the literature to link blasting to comminution stages. To this end, the effective parameters for the performance of …

Advanced Analytics for Drilling and Blasting | SpringerLink

Blasting plays a key role in mining operations, and its results can directly affect downstream operations, including crushing and milling. Therefore, predicting a …

Spatial Evolution of Internal Displacement Field for Open …

limestone ore. Presently, all pre-mining operations in the Yuanjiacun open-pit mine are based on bench blast-ing. The mine is 2640 m long in the NE direction and 1610 m wide in the SE direction. The final pit limit is at EL1455 m, and the height of the open-pit footwall is 1095 m. The bench height is 15 m and the slope angle ranges from 75 to 85°.

(PDF) Optimized design of drilling and blasting …

Drilling & blasting is the most essential part of the mining industry that plays a crucial Ore Recovery = Extracted Ore Extracted Ore + Unextracted Ore × 100 role in downstream stages.

(PDF) Bench Blasting Design for Optimum Recovery of …

Abstract. Dimension stone quarry is believed to be type of mining operation that always result to low recovery since what is expected from the extracting …

(PDF) Optimized design of drilling and blasting operations in …

Jan 2022. P. Nayak Nirlipta. PDF | Drilling and blasting are the two most significant operations in open pit mines that play a crucial role in downstream stages. …

Geoscience input into blasting operations – let's set a …

and productive blasting operations. Little and Blair (2011) discussed blasting geohazards and Table 2 shows a number of different categories that lead to the need for additional operational complexity. Rock mass in˚uence on blasting results Figure 4 illustrates the influence of the rock mass geology and properties on blasting results.

Oversize boulders and toes in large-diameter blasthole bench blasting …

The numerical result shows that the average toe height reduces from 0.65 to 0.52 m, and the oversize boulders ratio reduces from 3.1% to 2.7%, as shown in Fig. 16. Finally, a productive test was ...

Drill & Blast Best Practices Part One: Bench …

The operations of drilling and blasting are the beginning of mining operations. The safety of a blast, the quality of the material fragmentation, the roads' conditions, and the resulting slope ...

Geological controls on drilling and blasting operations

[Show full abstract] a computer-aided bench blast design and simulation system, the BLAST-CODE model, is developed for Shuichang surface mine, Mining Industry Company of the Capital Iron and Steel ...

Evaluation and optimization of blasting approaches to

The present study provides insight into the formation mechanism of toes and oversize boulders in large-diameter blasthole bench blasting. A non-ideal detonation …

Advanced Analytics for Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering in Mining

Blasting is a fundamental operation in the mining of metal and non-metal mine sites. There is a historical story of using explosive material in both underground and surface mines sites. ... This explosive can be used as the toe load in bench blasting . ... (2013) used a FIS model to predict PPV from blast operations at a copper mine in Iran ...

Initiating Safe and Successful Blast Practices | Agg-Net

Bench practices are the most readily observed of these items and are what most audits of drilling and blasting focus on. This auditing is essential but what is often missed in the process is the link between safe and effective bench practices and control of the blasts, and the effect on the economics of a blast if it is not implemented well.

A system-wide approach to minimize the operational cost of bench

The production cycle of open-cast coal mines generally includes drilling, blasting, loading, hauling and coal preparation activities. Individual optimization of these activities does not mean that the whole system is optimized. This paper proposes a cost model considering all activities in mining cycle and system-wide approach to minimize …

(PDF) Evaluation and optimization of blasting approaches to …

The results highlight the importance of optimizing blasting parameters and charge structure for large-scale mining operations to achieve uniform rock …

Applicability of Controlled Blasting in Large …

The blast induced ground vibration also needs to be controlled as large amount of explosives were detonated in the dragline benches. Normal dragline blast of Jayant opencast project consists of …

(PDF) Applicability of Controlled Blasting in Large Opencast …

The mining through blasting is now being operated more safely as the line drill resulted in to more stable highwall and implementation of electronic delay detonators in dragline benches providing desirable outcomes. 1. INTRODUCTION The blasting operations have a profound impact on the overall economics of mining industries.

Optimized design of drilling and blasting operations in open …

Optimized design of drilling and blasting operations in open pit mines under technical and economic uncertainties by system dynamic modelling. H.Abbaspoura, C.Drebenstedta, M.Badroddinb, A.Maghaminikc. Show more. Add to Mendeley. …

Rock Blasting: Effects and Operations

Rock Blasting: Effects and Operations. This book is a unique supplement to contemporary scientific literature on rock blasting technology. It encapsulates theoretical and practical aspects of drilling and blasting techniques used in both surface and subterranean excavations connected with civil as well as mining activities. Case studies …


The bench blasting operations may be classified according to their purpose and also it can be classified by the diameter of the Blast Hole (Jimeno et al, 1995), whereby; • Small diameter Blasting ranges from (65 – 165) mm • Large diameter Blasting ranges from (180 – 450) mm Since the subject of this research is conventionally based …

Critical Analysis of Powder Factor in Dragline Bench Blasting…

In blasting operations for removal of the overburden rocks, which have little or no inherent value, the powder factor is expressed in kg/m 3 . Generally, the powder factor value varies from as low as 0.15 to as much as 1.50 kg/m 3 with 0.30–0.60 kg/m 3 being the most common, in the open pit mines [ 6 ].

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement of the …

Keywords: mining; pit wall surveying; blasting; digital photogrammetry; unmanned aerial vehicle; drone 1. Introduction Blasting is a key activity in the mining cycle, commonly used in both open pit and underground mines to fragment the rock mass into rock boulders that can be handled by mine equipment.


The economic analysis of the use of explosives is an important part of blasting operations in mining and construction. Explosives are energy, and the efficient use of this energy is a major factor in keeping rock blasting costs under control. High-energy explosives enhance fragmentation, which ultimately produces a positive effect on production ...


Mining - Strip, Open-Pit, Quarrying: It has been estimated that more than two-thirds of the world's yearly mineral production is extracted by surface mining. There are several types of surface mining, but the three most common are open-pit mining, strip mining, and quarrying. These differ from one another in the mine geometries created, the techniques …

Research on Vibration Propagation Law and Dynamic Effect of Bench Blasting

To address the problem of damage to adjacent buildings (structures) caused by bench blasting construction, blasting in a sand and gravel mine in Guizhou Province was used as the background. Through on-site monitoring and numerical simulation, the blasting vibration propagation law and dynamic effect characteristics under the joint …

P&Q University Lesson 4- Drilling & Blasting | Pit & Quarry

P&Q University Lesson 4: Drilling & Blasting. The initial production steps in a quarry operation – drilling and blasting ­– can significantly impact the productivity and costs of most downstream operations, including loading, hauling, crushing and screening, and product yield – the relative volume of high-value crushed stone products ...

big bench blasting in mining operations

Bench Blasting – Rock Blasting Services. In large-scale mining operations, it is possible to use blast hole diameters of up to 400 mm while in a small-scale construction operation a blast hole diameter of 30 mm may be the . Read More Overcoming Oversize: Caprock in blasting (Part 1) - Pit Quarry

Bench blasting: Objectives and best practices

... In order to achieve this goal, proportions of the fines and coarse fragments must be optimized through effective planning of blasting for the overall success of …

Enabling better blasting

In open-pit mining, the use of blast-masters, by designing the shape and size of the blasting polygons for the whole bench in the initial planning stages, is essential to …

Applicability of Controlled Blasting in Large Opencast …

The blasting operations have a profound impact on the overall economics of mining industries. Nowadays, the mining industry is rapidly sprouting in the direction of a technology ... established at the mine for dragline bench blast. The mining through blasting is now being operated more safely as the line

Geological controls on drilling and Blasting operations

In order to keep this paper to manageable size, only a brief summary of the 'geological controls on blasthole drilling' will be given here: • The selection of the drill rig and the bit design is done on the basis of the geology. • Amount of drilling required to fragment a volume of rock is controlled by the geology.

Advanced Analytics for Drilling and Blasting

This chapter shows how analytical models can optimize blast patterns according to the real bench geometry and discusses advanced analytical solutions for predicting blast …

Blasting Principles

Mining to access the orebody (a term used in both surface and underground mining). Dilution. The undesirable lowering of ore grade by mixing waste material during blasting and mining. Dragline. A large excavation machine used mainly in surface coal mining to remove overburden (layers of waste rock and soil) covering a coal seam.

An Overview of Slope Failure in Mining Operations

The primary aim of every twenty-first century mining operation is to extract as much ore as possible in a safe and economical manner. Failure in mine excavation occurs when the shear stress acting on the rock is greater than the shear strength of the rock mass. The stability of rock slopes in open-pit mine and quarry operations is extremely …