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Critical Elements in Sediment-Hosted Deposits (Clastic-Dominated Zn-Pb

Some sediment-hosted base metal deposits, specifically, the clastic-dominated Zn-Pb deposits, carbonatehosted Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposits, sedimentary rock-hosted stratiform copper deposits, and carbonate-hosted polymetallic ("Kipushi-type") deposits, are or have been important sources of critical elements …

Evolution of the hydrothermal ore-forming system of Ashele VMS-type Cu

Altai orogenic belt is an important Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Fe polymetallic province in northwest China, with plenty of VMS deposits and ore resources (Fig. 1 a), which is an ideal place and natural laboratory for studying VMS deposits (Windley et al., 2002, Xiao et al., 2004, Yang et al., 2018b).The Ashele Cu-Zn deposit is the largest and most typical VMS …

Metallogenesis and fluid evolution of the Huangtupo Cu–Zn …

The Kalatag area, located in the middle of the Harlik–Dananhu arc in East Tianshan orogen, hosts several Cu–Zn deposits, including the Huangtupo VMS Cu–Zn deposit (including the Honghai deposit) and the Hongshan, Hongshi, and Meiling hydrothermal lode-type Cu deposits (Figs. 1 C and 2; Fang et al., 2002, Mao et al., 2010, …

Investigating Industrial Effluent Impact on Municipal …

Heavy metal contents of Industry 1 were of the magnitude in the order of Al > Zn > Pb> Cu > Ni > Cr, with all metal content being consistently above legal permissible limits. However, significant season variability was only observed for Zn (ANOVA, p < 0.0001) and Al content (ANOVA, p = 0.042) (Figure 2).

Insights into ore genesis of the Beishan Pb–Zn deposit in …

The Beishan Pb–Zn deposit is located 47 km northwest of Huanjiang County, north of Hechi City, Guangxi (Fig. 1 a, b), and includes several mineralized occurrences developed in mining areas, such as Shangchao, Huada, and Caixiu.The Beishan Pb–Zn deposit has a history of discovering native siderite when searching for Fe mineralization …

Woodlawn Zn-Pb-Cu sulfide deposit, New South Wales, …

At the start of production in 1978, in situ ore reserves amenable to open-cut mining totaled 6.3 million metric tons of complex ore with an average grade of 1.7 percent Cu, 5.5 percent Pb, 14.4 percent Zn, and 89 ppm Ag, and 3.7 million metric tons of stockwork copper ore averaging 1.9 percent Cu.The deposit occurs in Middle to Upper Silurian ...

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Ore Genesis of the Kuergasheng Pb–Zn …

The Kuergasheng Pb–Zn deposit is located in the Western Tianshan Orogen, Xinjiang Province, China. The ore bodies are mainly hosted in sandstone of the Tuosikuertawu Formation and are controlled by NW-trending faults. Three paragenetic stages were identified: early pyrite–chalcopyrite–quartz veins (stage 1), middle …

The effect of water chemistry on froth stability and surface chemistry

The ore contains 3.63% Cu, 4.07% Zn, 0.39% Pb and 25.07% Fe. Approximately 30% of the ore is composed of the non-sulphide minerals, mainly quartz and barite ( Ekmekçi et al., 2010 ). A representative ore sample was taken from the feed belt of the primary ball mill of the Çayeli Flotation Plant and crushed down to 2 mm using roll …

Overview of the Challenges and Opportunities in …

on leaching polymetallic (Pb-Zn-Cu) gold ore (containing 13 ppm of gold, 0.23% of copper, 1.75% of zinc, and 4.35% of lead) indicated that the mixture of cyanide …

Boost for South African research on new ways to refine zinc ore

The International Zinc Association (IZA) Africa Desk has secured significant research funding to investigate the feasibility of new zinc refining processes to meet …

Enrichment and Geoaccumulation of Pb, Zn, As, Cd and …

Enrichment and Geoaccumulation of Pb, Zn, As, Cd and Cr in soils near New Union Gold Mine, Limpopo Province of South Africa Confidence Muzerengi Department of Mining and Environmental Geology, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Venda, Private Bag X5050, Thohoyandou 0950, South Africa, Tel: +27

Levels of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in the leaves of the tea plant

The range for concentration of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd was 2.34–25.26, 43.9–71.3 µg/g, which is too low to be detected by the analytical techniques and 0.2–1., respectively. Concentration of Cu, Zn, and Pb were lower than those found in our study and concentration of Cd was higher than the concentration obtained in our study.

A classification of Broken Hill-type deposits: A critical review

Abstract. Broken Hill Hill-type Pb-Zn-Ag (BHT) deposits constitute some of the largest and highest grade ore deposits in the world. The Broken Hill deposit, Australia, is the largest accumulation of Pb, Zn, and Ag on Earth and the Cannington deposit is among the largest silver deposits. Characteristic features of BHT deposits include: 1.

Ore-Forming Processes in Irish-Type Carbonate-Hosted Zn-Pb …

As and Sb are known to occur in Irish-type Pb/Zn ore in a range of sulphide phases including, stibnite, arsenopyrite, polymetallic Pb-Sb and Pb-As sulphide minerals (e.g. boulangerite, Pb 5 Sb 4 S ...

Sediment-hosted Zn–Pb–Cu deposits in the Central African Copperbelt

Kipushi ( Fig. 2, Fig. 3) is the most significant Zn– (Cu)–Pb carbonate-hosted deposit in the Copperbelt of Central Africa with total metal production of 6,622,116 tons Zn and 4,082,275 tons Cu from 1922 to 1993 when operations were suspended. The in-situ ore grades averaged 11.03 wt.% Zn and 6.80 wt.% Cu.

In situ LA-ICP-MS trace elements in sphalerite from the Fankou Pb-Zn

1. Introduction. The genesis of the giant Fankou Pb-Zn deposit is remarkable for geologists and researchers due to its large reserves (More than 10 Mt metals), high grade (average 5.25 % Pb and 9.53 % Zn), complex concealed orebodies (exceeding 300 m underground) and abundant associated elements (Ag, Cd, Ga, Ge etc.) (Guangdong …

Sphalerite and Pyrite Geochemistry from the Pusangguo Co-Rich Cu–Zn–Pb

The Pusangguo deposit (1.42 Mt @ 1.42% Cu, 0.14 Mt @ 1.82% Zn, 0.08 Mt @ 1.01% Pb, and 285.8 t Co @ 140 g/t Co) is the first Co-rich Cu-Zn-Pb skarn deposit discovered in the Gangdese metallogenic belt. However, the trace and minor element geochemistry of the sulfides in this deposit has not been studied, limiting further …

Linking carbonate-hosted ZnPb deposit to deep mantle

2.Regional geological setting and Huayuan Zn Pb ore field. The Huayuan Zn Pb ore field (>15 Mt. metal resources, at 1–4% Zn, 0.1–1.5% Pb) is located at the western margin of the Nanhua basin in South China (Fig. 1 a). The amalgamation of the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks at ca. 980–820 Ma formed the Jiangnan orogenic belt and the …

Heavy metals pollution from smelting activities: A threat to …

The main sources of Zn and Pb production are derived from the minerals sphalerite (ZnS) and galena (PbS), in which Zn and Pb are the predominant components of the ores (Yin et al., 2016). Heavy metals such as As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn have been enriched in soils due to Pb/Zn smelting activities, and Pb/Zn mineral resources are …

The world's lead-zinc mineral resources: Scarcity, …

The historical global production of Pb by country is given in Fig. 1, showing the rise and fall of some countries (e.g. Spain, Canada), whilst others continue to maintain or …

Sustainable Gold Mining in South Africa: Harnessing Solar …

South Africa has among the world's largest gold resources. It is home to about 5,000 tons of known gold reserves, making up the vast majority of Africa's total …

Contrasting regimes of Cu, Zn and Pb transport in ore …

Sulfur and chlorine are the two most important ligands accounting for metal transport in the upper crust. In this study, four metal- and sulfur-saturated model fluids with varying salinities and redox states were simulated in the Fe-Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-S-C-H-O system, over a wide pressure-temperature (P-T) range (50–650 °C, 0.8–5.0 kbar), in order to …

Flowsheet development for selective Cu-Pb-Zn …

The low Cu (WF3 Zone 2) and high Cu (WF 3 Zone 1) ore samples head grades are shown in Table 1, the 'high Cu' ore being characterized by higher Cu and …

Ore genesis of the Tieshajie Cu deposit: Implications for Cu

1. Introduction. The collision and amalgamation of the Yangtze Craton and Cathaysia Block during the Neoproterozoic in South China led to the formation of the Qin-Hang suture zone (Mao et al., 2011, Shu, 2012).Following the amalgamation, the Qin-Hang Metallogenic Belt (QHMB), a significant zone of porphyry-skarn Cu-polymetallic …

Textural and chemical variations of sphalerite in the Giant

The Great Xing'an Range (GXR) metallogenic belt, the largest silver province in China, contains more than 30 Ag-Pb-Zn ore deposits with total resources of > 57,000 t of silver (Fig. 1 B; Zhai et al., 2020).Metallogenesis in these deposits is complex and multistage, making it difficult for ore geologists to provide genetic interpretations (Ouyang …

The depositional environment of the Koeris Formation

The Koeris Formation in the Mesoproterozoic Aggeneys-Gamsberg ore district (South Africa) is located in the hanging wall of an unconformity, only metres above the giant Gamsberg and Big Syncline Pb-Zn ore deposits and potentially contains critical information on the metallogenesis and its geodynamic setting. We, therefore, conducted …

Understanding the Cu-Zn brass alloys using a short-range …

The chemical composition within the 2 nd-neighbor local zone is then Zn + Cu 9.4 Zn 2.6 + Cu 3.5 Zn 2.5 = Cu 12.9 Zn 6.1, or Cu 67.9 Zn 32.1 in at.%, which is close to that of the alloy, Cu 68.9 ...

Geology and Origin of Supergene Ore at the Lavrion Pb‐Ag‐Zn …

Cu-pyrite ore bodies consist mainly of pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite plus minor sphalerite, galena and sulfosalts. Fluorite, barite, quartz and carbonate are the gangue minerals. A polymetallic geochemical signature characterizes the mineralization. Lead, Ag, Zn and Cu contents are similar to those of the carbonate-hosted replacement …

Remediation mechanism of Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb …

Recently, heavy metal contaminated soil has been widespread concerned. Herein, rice straw-derived biochar-supported nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI@BC) composite was prepared and characterized, and its remediation performance in Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb contaminated soil were evaluated. nZVI@BC demonstrated better …

LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of pyrite from the Dafang gold …

Compared to Py2 and Py3, Py1 has higher Co, Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, and Te contents, but lower Au and Tl contents. Gold contents for all stage pyrite plot well below the solubility limit for gold in arsenian pyrite, indicating that invisible gold occurs as Au 1+ in the pyrite lattice. Silver occurs mainly as Ag-bearing sulfosalt inclusion or galena ...

Geological, fluid inclusion and isotopic studies of the Yinshan Cu…

Based on detailed field and microscopic petrography observation, three mineral paragenetic stages can be divided, i.e. Pb Zn stage, Au Ag stage and post-ore stage. Electron microprobe analysis reveals slightly different composition of metal sulfides between Pb Zn stage and Au Ag stage. The Fe content of Maluntou sphalerite is …

Future availability of mineral resources: ultimate reserves …

The trends of Cu, Pb, and Zn according to the regions and the selected countries indicated a marginal exponential increase. However, Europe displayed a rapid exponential increase in the ore-TMR for Cu and Pb over time because of low grades and high strip ratios within the mature region, thus, causing a rapid increase in the annual ore …

Determining the ore-forming processes of Dongshengmiao Zn-Pb-Cu …

The Dongshengmiao deposit in the Langshan district is a large Zn-Pb-Cu deposit with reserves of 4.83 Mt Zn at an average grade of 2.85 % Zn, 0.96 Mt Pb at 0.67 % Pb, and 0.11 Mt Cu at 0.86 % Cu (Long, 2009). As the third largest Pb-Zn deposit in China, its genesis has been actively debated since its discovery (Wang et al., 2014). Two main ...

Apatite as a record of ore-forming processes: Magmatic …

The large Hutouya ore district, located at the center of the QTMB (Fig. 1), hosts a Cu–Pb–Zn resource of 0.85 million tones (Mt) at an average grade of 2.05 % Cu, 5.79 % Pb, and 4.46 % Zn and Fe ore resource of 200 Mt at an average grade of 28.82 % Fe, respectively (Zhao et al., 2013). It includes both magnesian and calcic skarns …