coke calcining system green coke feed


A hollow, high-temperature alloy pipe with motive means to move air there through is employed as a support structure for supporting the feed pipe in a conventional coke-calcining apparatus. The support pipe is horseshoe shaped, and the feed pipe is received in the seat of the horseshoe.

Petroleum Coke Types, Uses and Specifications

There are two main types of petroleum coke: green coke and calcined coke. 1. Green Coke. Green coke is the raw material used to produce calcined coke. It is the solid carbon byproduct of the oil refining process. Green coke has a high moisture and volatile matter content. 2. Calcined Coke. Calcined coke is the product from the …

Rotary Hearth Calcining of Petroleum Cokes

The green coke is held in an overhead bin and fed to the furnace chamber through a feed chute. The chute is adjustable in height to control the furnace bed depth. …

AISC 256

In this context, coke with no moisture, volatile matter and low sulfur contents and acquiring an appropriate crystalline structure are desired. Calcination is accomplished by the …

Coke Calcining Systems Brochure

Technical specification Green coke feed Coke calcining systems. Open the catalog to page 6.

Simulation of the Coke Calcining Processes in Rotary Kilns

The objective of this study is to simulate the green petroleum coke calcining processes using the simulation program HYSYS and using actual industrial data. Because counter-current mass flow is not allowed in the HYSYS program, the kiln was described by using fictive streams and unit operations. By the simulation, it is possible to predict the …

Calcinations of Petroleum coke

green coke feed. The production of electrodes is closely controlled process. ... Petroleum coke calcining is taking green coke or anode ... Linear Networks and Systems (Book style). Belmont, CA ...

(PDF) Calcinations of Petroleum coke

Petroleum coke (both green and calcined) is a black-colored solid. produced b y the high pressure thermal decomposition of heavy (high. boiling) petroleum process …

Calcination solutions Coke calcining systems

a wide range of green coke feeds including needle, shot, fluid or tar pitch cokes. The rotary kiln is also able to ... Coke calcining systems Table 2. Typical needle coke specification Item Green coke Calcined coke Moisture 6% - 14% 0.1% ... 101 Kiln feed bin 102 Weigh feeder 103 Feed hood 104 Rotary kiln 105* Tertiary air system

Coke Calcining Systems

Typical needle coke specifications Item Green coke Calcined coke Volatile Matter Volatile Matter Bulk Density Bulk Density Real Density Real Density Reference no. description …

Modeling and simulation of petroleum coke calcination in rotary …

This process is carried out in a calcining rotary kiln. A typical kiln for petroleum coke is about 60 m long with a diameter of 2.5 m. The kiln is tilted by an angle of about 2–5° and rotates at speeds of 2–4 rpm. Air (primary and secondary) for combustion is injected through the burner at the solids discharge end of the kiln.


2. Overview of the CPC Production Process and Vizag Flowsheet. During the calcination process, GPC is fed to one end of the kiln and discharged from the other end at a temperature of ~ 1250-1350 °C. Moisture in the GPC is driven off first followed by volatile matter (VM) which is typically in the range of 9-12 %.

Kinetic Analysis of the Coke Calcination Processes in Rotary Kilns

Kinetic analysis of the green petroleum coke calcining processes using the simulation program HYSYS and actual industrial data is presented. ... the whole calcination system is determined as 0.507 ...

Development and Testing of the Advanced CHP System …

@article{osti_1123883, title = {Development and Testing of the Advanced CHP System Utilizing the Off-Gas from the Innovative Green Coke Calcining Process in Fluidized Bed}, author = {Chudnovsky, Yaroslav and Kozlov, Aleksandr}, abstractNote = {Green petroleum coke (GPC) is an oil refining byproduct that can be used directly as a …

Coke Calcining Plants

Coke Calcining Plants. Coke-calcining plants receive green petroleum coke from oil refineries. The green coke is blended and fed into rotary kilns operating up to 2800°F under a reducing condition. The material exits the rotary kiln as calcined coke with a correct crystalline structure and electrical conductivity properties.


Definitions. Green coke is dried, preheated and fed to a choking zone of a vertical kiln for calcining in suspension with countercurrent flow of ascending flue gas; then further calcined in a free fall zone of the kiln by contact with ascending combustion gas. Coke is retained in a radiant-heat-soaking zone before removal for cooling. Fines are recovered …

Coke Calcining | RSS | Refractory Sales & Service

The typical calcining plant consists of one or more rotary kilns, a rotary cooler, settling chamber and stack. Typically, petroleum coke is fed into the backend of the rotary kiln. Rotary kilns are lined with refractory monolithics or brick. As the coke travels down the rotary kiln, it passes through numerous sections, some containing ...

Calcining petroleum coke of pot furnace and rotary kiln

July 23, 2019. Retort calciner and rotary kiln are the two main types for petroleum coke calcination. Rotary kiln is widely used in Europe and the United States, while retort calciner is used earlier and more in China. There are great differences between the two in calcination process principle, yield, capacity, calcination quality, floor area ...

Simulation of the Control System of the Coke Calcination in …

Abstract The challenging problem of improving the control of a rotary coke calcining kiln is discussed. An overview of works on simulating such kilns is presented, a mathematical model of the technological process for use in a control system is proposed, and approaches to developing a control system in the SimInTech environment are …

coke calcining system green coke feed

A method of calcining green petroleum coke which includes separating the green coke having a particle size of between 0.1 mm and 50 mm into undersized and oversized fractions, pelletizing the undersized fraction with a binder to form pelletized coke, combining the oversized fraction and the pelletized coke to form a feed mixture, and calcining ...


2. Green coke feeding system There are many more calcination units and feeding entrances for the new generation shaft calciners. An automatic green coke distribution …

AISC 256

coke delsulfurized and carbon oxidized at temperatures of 1250 to 1400 °C. All these zones were simulated as continuous stirred tank reactors Fig. 1. Calcining Processes Zones 2.1 Moisture Release Rate The water in the pores of the coke is heated by the counter flow of the flue gases in the kiln and is driven off the coke.


The challenge is to reach a high calcining temperature with a low heating rate without unduly lengthening the kiln. 90 REDUCTION AND CASTING OF ALUMINUM Green coke feed Zone 1 Green under-calcined coke Calcined coke to cooler Fig. 3. Schematic presentation of coke calcining kiln fitted with shell mounted fan. Fuel-less operation.

Thermo-Physical Properties of Petroleum Coke during Calcining …

The thermal diffusivity of petroleum coke decreased during the calcining process. With increasing temperature, coefficient of heat conductivity and specific volume heat of the petroleum coke increased with a decreasing variation rate. ... M.A. Diez, G. de la Puente, et al., "Thermal behaviour and reactivity of green petroleum cokes used as ...

3D-simulation of the thermal performance of a coke calcining kiln

First is the drying zone where the moisture is removed from the coke. Further down the kiln the coke reaches the devolatilization and calcination zone. In this part of the kiln the temperature increases up to 1250° C where the combustion takes place. Also the third air is blown into the kiln in this section.

Pelletization And Calcination Of Green Coke

Abstract. A method of calcining green petroleum coke which includes separating the green cokehaving a particle size of between 0.1 mm and 50 mm into undersized and oversized fractions,pelletizing the undersized fraction with a binder to form pelletized coke, combining theoversized fraction and the pelletized coke to form a feed …

Calcined Petroleum Coke Manufacturing Process

Calcined petroleum coke is used as a raw material in Aluminium smelting. It is produced by heating up sized green petroleum coke in a rotary or shaft calciner. The resulting calcinate is used to produce carbon products like activated carbon and synthetic graphite, as well as asphalts and chemicals. It also has a low metal and sulfur content ...

Simulation of the Coke Calcining Processes in Rotary Kilns

The objective of this study is to simulate the green petroleum coke calcining processes using the simulation program HYSYS and using actual industrial data. Because counter-current mass flow is ...

Calcination solutions Coke calcining systems

a wide range of green coke feeds including needle, shot, fluid or tar pitch cokes. The rotary kiln is also able to optimize the coke calcining operating parameters, such as time, temperature gradient and heat up rate - all of which can greatly impact product quality.

2024 Petroleum Coke Calcining System Rotary Kiln Petroleum Coke …

There are more than 20 petroleum coke calcining systems operating safely in China, 6 of which are EPC projects, and most of them are tank calcining furnace processes. He has more than 20 years of experience in the design, process, equipment manufacturing, installation and commissioning, operation training, and after-sales service of petroleum ...

Kinetic Analysis of the Coke Calcination Processes in Rotary …

Abstract. Kinetic analysis of the green petroleum coke calcining processes using the simulation program HYSYS and actual industrial data is presented. The rates of physical and chemical phenomena of interest, such as the rate of moisture removal, rates of volatile matter release and combustion, rates of coke dust and sulphur combustion were all ...

Coke calciner heat recovery system (Conference) | OSTI.GOV

@article{osti_5498694, title = {Coke calciner heat recovery system}, author = {Silla, S}, abstractNote = {This paper discusses the application of a heat recovery system to an existing petroleum coke calcining facility. The system was applied to the hot exhaust gas stream from the calciner that had previously been directed out of a 100-foot refractory …


The high content of volatile substances, sulfur and metal impurities in initial green coke affects the final calcinated coke porosity. The coefficients of wear resistance and heat …


prior to introduction into the rotary kiln for calcining. The schematic of the kiln is shown in Figure 1 and the calcining flow chart in Figure 2. The rotation and the slope (generally about 4 %) of the kiln facilitate the movement of the GPC from the feed end to …


Chinese shaft technology. A shaft calcining unit consists of anywhere between 12 to 56 shafts or pots (Figure 3) to a cluster or "kiln". The inlet hoppers are shown in Figure 4. Chinese ...

Pet Coke Calciner | Tenova

Tenova's rotary hearth petroleum coke calciners can process both anode grades and needle cokes. The rotary hearth calciner uses the volatiles from the coke to combust and produce heat for the processing of the coke. In many cases, not external heat or fuel is required during operation. Also, due to the gentle rabbling action of the unit, there is a …

Coke Calcination

Coke calcination is a process that involves the heating of green petroleum coke in order to remove volatile material and purify the coke for further processing. Calcined coke is vital …


Calcining - also known as calcination - is a thermal treatment process that uses extremely high temperatures to change the physical and chemical properties of various solid materials, including minerals, metals, and ore. …

Coke Calcination

The calcining process is composed of the petroleum coke charger (black), fluidized bed calciner with electrodes and nitrogen supply (red), and gas cleaning system (yellow-gold). The waste heat utilization system (or advanced CHP) is composed of the combustor/boiler (purple), coke cooler (blue), and generator (blue-violet).