Thallium Concentration Urine

Thallium, Urine | Cleveland Clinic Laboratories

Urinary thallium levels may reflect recent or chronic exposure, and the presence of thallium in urine after acute exposure may persist for up to several weeks. …

Successful treatment of a patient with severe thallium poisoning in …

Changes in blood thallium concentrations in the patient during PE treatment are shown in Fig. Fig.1. 1. On the 57th day from onset (the 14th day from admission), no thallium ions were detected in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid, whereas the urine thallium concentration was only 80 ng/mL. PB treatment was stopped after 15 …

Thallium, Urine | Cleveland Clinic Laboratories

Urinary thallium levels may reflect recent or chronic exposure, and the presence of thallium in urine after acute exposure may persist for up to several weeks. Concentrations less than 5 µg/L are unlikely to cause adverse health effects while concentrations greater than 500 µg/L have been associated with clinical poisoning.

Thallium | Public Health Statement | ATSDR

Tests of your urine can detect thallium up to 2 months. The normal amount of thallium in human urine amounts to less than 1 ppm and 5-10 ppb in human hair. Although …

Acute Thallium Poisoning: Series of Ten Cases

Blood and urine samples of eight surviving cases were sent for thallium levels 2 weeks after initiating therapy; the median blood thallium concentration was 10.5 μg/L (range, 5–46 μg/L). The median urine thallium concentration was …


The same investigators found the thallium concentration in early morning urine samples in nine subjects to range from 0.13 to 1.69 μg/L. Johnson (1976), in a study in New Zealand of 11 subjects with no known exposure to toxic metals, found a mean thallium concentration in the liver of 0.47 mg/kg dry tissue weight, with a range of 0.4 …

Early diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes of five patients …

Concentration of thallium in the blood and urine should be < 2 μg/L and < 5 μg/L, respectively, in healthy individuals, and the diagnosis of thallotoxicosis relies on …

Applied Sciences | Free Full-Text | Thallium Use, …

Thallium (Tl) is released into the environment, where is present at very low levels, from both natural and anthropogenic sources. Tl is considered as one of the most toxic heavy metals; it is a non-essential …

Thallium, 24 Hour, Urine

Most thallium is excreted in the urine, can be found within an hour after exposure, and can be detected as long as two months after exposure. Interpretation. Patients exposed to …

Uranium Associations with Kidney Outcomes Vary by Urine Concentration

Median levels of urine thallium and cadmium were 0.39 and 0.83 μg/g creatinine and 0.09 and 0.19 μg/4 hr, respectively. Table 1. Selected ... In the two models that used urine creatinine to adjust for urine concentration, higher ln-urine uranium was associated with lower measured creatinine clearance and higher NAG after adjustment for ...

Potential health risk in areas of high natural concentrations …

The analytical results for Tl in urine samples from the preliminary test of December 2002 are listed in Table 1.High Tl concentrations, from 39.55 to 277.6 μg/L in three urine samples from Village A and 78.9 μg/L Tl in one sample from Village B, were recorded.This led to follow-up sampling extending from villages A and B to village C to …


Davison et al. (1974) reported concentrations of thallium on airborne fly ash emitted from a coal-burning power plant ranging from 29 to 76 µg/g, the thallium concentration increasing with decreasing particle size. The highest concentrations (greater than 60 µg/g) were on particles less than 7.3 µm in diameter. ... Urinary thallium levels ...

Thallium, 24 Hour Urine | MLabs

Minimum Volume. 1 mL aliquot of 24 hour urine collection. Additional Information. Thallium is a by-product of lead smelting and is found in some depilatories and rodenticides. Thallium is rapidly absorbed via ingestion, inhalation, skin contact, and through mucous membranes. Test sent to Mayo Medical Laboratories. Billing.

Comparison of urinary thallium levels in non-occupationally …

The variables in the above equation are as follows: thallium, the urinary concentration in μg/l; μ, the mean (log-scale) non-smoking male value (the intercept); creatinine is the creatinine concentration in mmol/l corresponding to that measurement; I(smoking), an indicator variable denoting that the measurement was taken on a smoker; …

Changes in thallium distribution in the scalp hair after an

Thallium concentrations in scalp hair, blood and urine samples were determined by ICP-MS after microwave digestion, using a previously reported method [20], [21], [22]. For each case, 28 scalp hair samples from the first sample collection were segmented every 3 mm from the scalp surface to 30 mm, and the remaining portions …

Potential Health Risk in Areas of High Natural Concentrations …

The levels of thallium in urine in cases of non-exposed individuals are below 1.1 mcg/g of creatinine (creatinine corrected) [18][19][20][21] or below 1 mcg/L (uncorrected) [21,22], while the ...

Thallium How People Are Exposed to Thallium

By measuring thallium in urine, scientists can estimate the amount of thallium that has entered people's bodies. • CDC scientists found measurable levels of thallium in the urine in most participants, indicating widespread exposure. The 2003–2004 levels were similar to those in previous survey periods of the . Report.


At a concentration of 10.8 µg thallium per litre urine and where n = 10 determinations Between-day imprecision: Standard deviation s = 6.5 % Prognostic range u = 14.6 % At a concentration of 2.1 µg thallium per litre urine and where n = 9 days Inaccuracy: Recovery rate r = 97.9 % Detection limit: 0.8 µg thallium per litre urine (when the urine

Biomonitoring Summary | CDC

Urinary concentrations of 100 µg/L in asymptomatic workers (500 times higher than median levels in the U.S. population) are thought to correspond to workplace exposures at the threshold limit value of 0.1 mg/m 3 (Marcus, 1985). Brockhaus et al. (1981) studied 1,265 people living near a thallium-emitting cement plant in Germany.

Is There a Cure for Thallium Poisoning?

If the thallium concentration in the urine is greater than 0.3 mg/L, it confirms thallium poisoning. Other diagnostic tests include: Blood tests (used to determine eosinophilic levels) ... Urine thallium levels are generally less than 0.8 mcg/L. Concentrations higher than 20 mcg/L indicate excessive exposure and may be linked …

Thallium exposure at low concentration leads to early …

The urinary TI concentration ranged from 13.4 μg/L to 60.1 μg/L with a mean of 36.1 μg/L and a median of 34.8 μg/L in six cases in December 2015, while the levels of lead, As and Hg in the urine were unremarkable (supplemented Table 1). However, the parents denied that their children were previously exposed to TI.

Plasma Thallium Concentration, Kidney Function, …

Several previous studies found that urinary thallium concentration showed similar associations with kidney function as the plasma concentration in our study [27,28,29,30,31]. Future studies on urinary thallium and thallium clearance may be useful for providing more insight on the effects of thallium on the kidney.

Thallium Toxicity Workup: Laboratory Studies, Imaging

A 24-hour urine thallium concentration is the standard toxicologic method and is assayed by atomic absorption photospectrometry. The normal level is less than 5 …

Thallium pollution in China: A geo-environmental perspective

Abstract. It is well known that thallium (Tl) is a non-essential and toxic metal to human health, but less is known about the geo-environmentally-induced Tl pollution and its associated health impacts. High concentrations of Tl that are primarily associated with the epithermal metallogenesis of sulfide minerals have the potential of producing ...

A Fatal Case of Thallium Toxicity: Challenges in Management

His last blood thallium concentration was 5369 mcg/L, a spot urine thallium >2000 mcg/L, and a 24- hour urine thallium was >2000 mcg/L. Though extremely rare, thallium intoxication can be lethal despite early administration of MDAC and use of Prussian blue therapy. Rapid initiation of hemodialysis can be considered in cases of …

(PDF) Short-term Thallium IntoxicationDermatological …

The blood and daily urinary thallium concentrations decreased slowly in the following 3-month period. The clinical dermatological features subsided completely, but painful polyneuropathy persisted.

Thallium concentration levels in hair, urine and saliva in a

About 50% of urine samples had a Tl concentration value above 0,5 microgram/L; about 70% of hair samples had a Tl concentration > 10 ng/g (2 ±1 ng/g is the value of not exposed people).


Adult white mice dosed intraperitoneally with thallium 204 at a dose of 4 mg thallium/kg as thallous sulfate showed high thallium concentrations in bone tissue, kidney (particularly in the medulla ... reported mean urinary thallium levels of 0.38 and 0.33 µg/L in two groups of workers employed in two cement production plants and two cast iron ...