underground coal mine conditions

Identification of safety hazards in Indian underground coal mines

The authors also visited an underground coal mine for ten days in the Orient area, Odisha, India, for data collection and observations. The details of the underground coal mine visited are that the thickness of the seam is 18–24 m and the seam is divided into sections 1 Introduction, 2 Literature survey, 3 Method, 4 Results and discussion ...

Using Battery-Powered Suspended Monorails in Underground Hard Coal

Transporting materials and mine staff is a vital link necessary to the production process in underground mines. Deteriorating climatic conditions, mainly due to the increasingly deep mining and the usage of machines, force us to look for solutions to improve the underground mine environmental situation. Another essential factor …

Control of gas emissions in underground coal mines

In Germany the gas emission is considered to be under control if the gas concentration of the mine air can be kept permanently at all relevant places under 1% CH 4. This value is at an adequate distance to the lower explosion limit of methane-air mixtures, which under normal conditions is 4.4% CH 4. In exceptional cases, the permissible limit ...

Development of a Dynamic Prediction Model for Underground Coal-Mining …

Coal is a major source of energy in the production of electrical power, currently providing more than 36% of global electricity, especially in developing countries like China and India [].Due to the limitations of geological conditions, a larger amount of coal comes from underground mining instead of surface mining at present [].Ground …

Geological and geotechnical aspects of …

The decision on whether to operate an above- or underground mine is heavily influenced by a couple of important factors. The major factor in deciding on whether to go underground or open cut …

An open dataset for intelligent recognition and …

The underground coal mine production of the fully mechanized mining face exists many problems, such as poor operating environment, high accident rate and …

Effect of Mine Water on the Stability of Underground Coal Mine Roadways

The basic objectives of mine roadways are to provide sufficient cross sections to accommodate equipment, transport, personnel travel and ventilation. However, many roadways become damaged to the extent of needing maintenance, generally dinting, and in some cases requiring re-ripping. Strata conditions play important effects on …

The Road to Zero: The 50-Year Effort to Eliminate Roof Fall

Six decades ago, the most dangerous job in the USA was mining coal underground. Roof falls were responsible for half of the deaths, killing about 100 miners every year. Fast forward to 2016 and zero roof fall fatalities. Just three miners were killed by roof falls during the following 6 years. How did the mining community achieve this …

Analysis and measurement of multifactor risk in underground coal mine

Therefore, exploring the multifactor risk mechanism of coal mine accidents is particularly critical for controlling coal mine accidents. An underground coal production system is a complex social technology system with dynamic and nonlinear characteristics, which are influenced by complicated geological conditions, underdeveloped technology ...

Shearer | Underground Longwall Machinery

Shearer refers to a type of mining equipment used for cutting or shearing coal, ore, or rock in underground mining operations. It is primarily employed in longwall mining, where a long wall of coal or mineral is extracted in a continuous process. A shearer consists of several key parts that work together to carry out the cutting and extraction ...

Underground Coal Mining Methods and Their …

In underground coal mining, the working environment is completely enclosed by the geologic medium, which consists of the coal seam and overlying and underlying strata. Depillaring is one of the most …

Coal mining

In coal mining—particularly underground coal mining—there are numerous conditions that can threaten the health and safety of the miners. For this reason, coal mining worldwide is heavily regulated through health and safety laws. See more

Navigation and positioning technology in underground coal mines …

Synopsis. To reduce the frequency of mining incidents and improve safety and production efficiency, it is important. to develop technology for the autonomous positioning and navigation of mining ...

Mental health in mine workers: a literature review

To evaluate the risk of occupational injuries to underground coal mine workers, controlling for their social, technical and personal characteristics: India: Coal: Socio-demographic Personality ... The mining is featured by a largest presence of male workers and they are exposed to higher workload and inclement conditions (e.g. …

Effect of pretension on the performance of cable bolts and …

This paper analyses the effect of pretension on the performance of cable bolts in underground coal mines via field scale numerical models, with considering different geological conditions (in-situ ...

The Underground Coal Gasification Process in Laboratory Conditions…

The underground coal gasification (UCG) process represents a modern and effective coal mining technology that enables coal energy extraction through thermic decomposition. The coal is transformed into syngas by oxidizers (e.g., air, technical oxygen, or water steam) and is injected into a georeactor. The produced syngas is exhausted on …

Underground Coal Gasification Techniques for Different Geo-mining

Abstract: Underground coal gasification (UCG) technique provides facilities. for converting underground coal into synthetic gas by remote ignition and. injecting steam as well as air into the coal ...

Appendix F: Underground Coal Mining Methods and …

Underground Coal Mining Methods and Engineering Dust Controls. An underground mine consists of the portals (entrance and exits to the mines), mains, submains, panels, …

Underground Coal Mines

Subpart FF-Underground Coal Mines. §98.320 Definition of the source category. (a) This source category consists of active underground coal mines, and any underground mines under development that have operational pre-mining degasification systems. An underground coal mine is a mine at which coal is produced by tunneling into the earth …


UNDERGROUND COAL MINING FACT SHEET Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Mineral Resources Management (DMRM) minerals.ohiodnr.gov Columbus 614.265.6633 Barnesville 740.425.3973 Cadiz 740.942.9150 New Philadelphia 330.339.2207 Salem 234.206.4240 Zaleski 740.274.4943 Coal is produced from …

Hybrid method for analyzing air thermal conditions in underground mines …

The ANN model is accurate but can only be applied to the vertical shaft of the intake air. Roy et al. developed a genetic programming model to predict heat stress hazards in underground coal mines (Roy et al., 2022). However, this model is only accurate under current conditions because the training and testing processes utilize field data ...

Application of 3D numerical simulations to forecast mine

The study aims to simulate the stage-wise, year-wise mine seepage predictions and the corresponding impact on the groundwater regime (drawdown and heads) in accordance with the approved mine plan for certain coal mines in Central India. To that end, the optimized and efficient watershed area of 997.61 km2 has been …

A review of water rock interaction in underground coal mining…

Underground coal mining has a strong disturbance on surrounding rock strata, causing inevitable water inflow into mined spaces, which seriously affects safety production. Mine water disaster is regarded as one of the most critical problems in coal mining and, thus, has been a research hotspot in coal mining. This review focuses on …


The conditions that would eventually create coal began to develop about 300 million years ago, during the Carboniferous period. During this time, ... Economically, surface mining is a cheaper option for extracting coal than underground mining. About two and a half times as much coal can be extracted per worker, per hour, ...

A dynamic information platform for underground coal mine …

The platform can monitor and record working conditions data of the coal mine production systems as well as location information of underground equipment and miners. Based on cloud computing techniques, big data related to underground coal mining can be analyzed quickly, and critical data associated with user requirements can …

An open dataset for intelligent recognition and classification …

The underground coal mine production of the fully mechanized mining face exists many problems, such as poor operating environment, high accident rate and so on. Recently, the intelligent ...

Effect of pretension on the performance of cable bolts and …

Section snippets Site introduction. The case study site, Mine A, is located in Western Coalfield, NSW, Australia. Coal mines in this area face challenging geological conditions, including high horizontal stress, laminated roof and widespread geological structures. 57 This leads to various geotechnical challenges in ground support, such as …

Review of coal and gas outburst in Australian underground coal mines

Outburst of coal and gas represents a significant risk to the health and safety of mine personnel working in development and longwall production face areas. There have been over 878 outburst events recorded in twenty-two Australian underground coal mines. Most outburst incidents have been associated with abnormal geological …

Underground Coal Mining Methods and Their Impact on Safety

Abstract. In underground coal mining, the working environment is completely enclosed by the geologic medium, which consists of the coal seam and …

Overview of Ground Control Research for …

ABSTRACT: Underground coal mining continues to evolve in the U.S., and more reserves are being mined under deeper cover, with worse roof, or with interactions from previous …

Overview of Ground Control Research for Underground …

While overall safety in U.S. coal mines has improved dramatically in the last. 50 years, fatality rates continue to exceed other major industrial sectors (fig. 1). Fatalities due to ground falls still make up a significant portion of this rate. Currently, underground coal production in the U.S. is split almost 50-50 between large longwall mines ...


Methane emitted from underground, surface, and abandoned coal mines is often released. from both the coal seams and surrounding strata. In longwall mines the zone of disturbance can. be large, depending on a variety of factors including size of the long wall, depth of mining, and. thickness of coal extracted.

Risk identification for coal and gas outburst in …

Risk identification for coal and gas outburst in underground coal mines: A critical review and future directions - ScienceDirect. Gas Science and Engineering. …

Investigation of Climatic Conditions in Underground …

Abstract. Mine workers in heavy and dangerous work are under several physical risk factors, for example temperature, humidity, noise, vibration, lighting and air …