Effects of a one-time application of bentonite on soil …
Averaged over 5 yr, the 24 Mg ha −1 rate of bentonite amendment led to the largest effect on soil enzyme activity in all soil layers at five growth stages over the …
Averaged over 5 yr, the 24 Mg ha −1 rate of bentonite amendment led to the largest effect on soil enzyme activity in all soil layers at five growth stages over the …
Researchers consider adding soil amendments to be one of the best management techniques to improve soil water and nutrient retention, water uptake, drainage, aeration, and soil structure, resulting in improved plant growth (Saha et al. 2020). Bentonite is a phyllosilicate clay mainly composed of montmorillonite and can …
Averaged over 5 yr, the 24 Mg ha −1 rate of bentonite amendment led to the largest effect on soil enzyme activity in all soil layers at five growth stages over the growing season. The observed increased enzyme activity suggests that bentonite can help maintain and improve soil health to support plant growth and contribute to sustainable ...
Request PDF | Water-holding capacity and plant growth in compost-based substrates modified with polyacrylamide, guar gum or bentonite | Humectant agents are used to improve seed germination and ...
The growth of teak (Tectona grandis L. f.) seedlings in sandy soil in northeast Thailand is suppressed by infertility and drought stress. In a preliminary field pot experiment, we confirmed that bentonite was useful for increasing soil water availability. To monitor early growth characteristics of teak seedlings in sandy soil, we curried out an …
the plants represent dangerous sources of pollution, and root biomass; necrosis of the radicle upon contact especially as regards the addition of heavy metals to the with the soil; planting and plant growth inhibition [6, 7]. soil. These metals can express their pollutant potential The maximum tolerable value for vegetables roots and
The effects of clay mineral bentonite on the growth process of submerged macrophyte V. spiralis and sediment microenvironment were investigated in the study for the first time, aiming to determine ...
Amelioration Effects against Salinity Stress in Strawberry by Bentonite-Zeolite Mixture, Glycine Betaine, and Bacillus amy- loliquefaciens in Terms of Plant Growth, Nutrient Content, Soil ...
It is suggested that bentonite application in semi-arid regions would have beneficial effects on crop growth and soil water-holding properties. A field experiment was conducted in a semi-arid region in northern China to evaluate the effects of bentonite soil amendment on field water-holding capacity, plant available water, and crop …
[11] Croker J., Poss R., Hortmann C. and Bhuthorndharaj S. 2004 Effects of recycled bentonite addition on soil properties, plant growth and nutrient uptake in a tropical sandy soil Plant Soil 267 155-163. Google Scholar [12] Moula B.H. and Farhan M. A. 2010 Decreasing permeability of gypsiferous soils by bentonite AlTaqani 23 179-183. …
However, how plant productivity response (PPR) [% change of plant yield from control (without biochar application)] to biochar application is affected by biochar properties, soil conditions, and their combinations is still unclear. Therefore, a meta-analysis based on 1254 paired comparisons from 153 published studies was conducted.
[11] Croker J., Poss R., Hortmann C. and Bhuthorndharaj S. 2004 Effects of recycled bentonite addition on soil properties, plant growth and nutrient uptake in a …
Such an improvement in plant growth was achieved by alleviating the heavy metal stress to the plants through Al-bentonite amendment (Miao et al., 2012, Sun et al., 2012). Download : Download high-res image (81KB) Download : Download full-size image; Fig. 5. Effect of Al-bentonite on biomass yield (g pot − 1) of amaranth.
Treatments Plant growth character Quality parameters Pod yield ... (Bentonite) sulphur) 19.64 38.00 35.76 46.59 46.57 21.38 11.71 ... Effect of sulphur levels Plant growth characters like dry ...
Bentonite is a valuable source of ingredients for plants, due to its high content of macro- and microelements, thus supporting the growth and development of …
Revegetation on raw bentonite spoil with or without treatments is often more practical than replacing topsoil in areas where it is scarce or nonexistent. The effect of raw bentonite spoil treated with ponderosa pine sawdust on plant survival and growth was com- pared to other treatments including perlite, gypsum, straw, ver-
growth parameters viz., plant height and dry weight of plant. The plant height increased ... sulphur and sulphur bentonite. Ray et al., (2014) reported that application of sulphur @ 60 kg S ha-1 had significant beneficial effect on various growth parameters of mustard. This treatment was at par with 45 kg S ha-1 for plant height at 75
The results of Phragmites phosphate assimilation (Fig. S3) show that the average plant P content in the BE-DV group increased by 29.96% compared with CK, indicating that the signal molecule LysoPC regulates the fixation and utilization of P in the plant cells, verifying the growth feedback effect of the symbiosis with AMF (Maldonado …
Above-ground dry matter accumulation (AGDM) of the millet plants was measured by gravimetric method at 50, 70, 90, 110 and 130 d after sowing to monitor the bentonite effect on plant growth over the growing season. Ten plants were retrieved from each plot and oven-dried at 105 °C for 30 min, and then at 75 ºC for 24 h until constant weight.
Above-ground dry matter accumulation (AGDM) of the millet plants was measured by gravimetric method at 50, 70, 90, 110 and 130 d after sowing to monitor the …
The Effect of Bentonite on the Survival of Azotobacter chroococcum in Sandy Soil in a Long-Term Plot Experiment. ... plant growth and nutrient uptak e . in a tropical sandy soil. Pl ant Soil. 267 ...
To sum up, according to the changes of plant height, root length and biomass in each treatment group, RB was more conducive to plant growth than the , and the substrate soil of RB1/1, MB1/5, and MB1/10 had better growth-promoting effect on …
@article{Zhou2019EffectOB, title={Effect of bentonite-humic acid application on the improvement of soil structure and maize yield in a sandy soil of a semi-arid region}, author={Lei Zhou and Carlos M. Monreal and Shengtao Xu and Neil B. McLaughlin and Huaying Zhang and Guocheng Hao and Jinghui Liu}, …
We evaluated the effect of composition on water-holding capacity and plant growth. • Only bentonite increased the water-holding capacity of the substrates. • None of the humectant agents had effects on the growth of Lolium multiflorum. • The choice of the materials for substrate elaboration is as important as additive use.
LMB may reduce plant growth by creating a P deficiency risk for new ramets and by interfering with the uptake of mineral elements. Considering both the dose effect of LMB on P inactivation and negative effect on macrophyte growth, we suggest a "small dosage, frequent application" method for LMB application to be used in lake …
The positive effect of Zinc oxide NPs and Iron oxide NPs on various yield-related and growth parameters, including plant height, number of leaves, petiole length, days to 50% flowering, days to ...
When the soil was amended with 7.5 g kg-1 of humic acid intercalated bentonite, there was a significant improvement in plant growth. Specifically, plant growth increased by 180.7%, 212%, and 231% ...