thickener capacity calculation

Further development of software for the design and …

Another possibility is to design the thickener for 20%L and to calculate the thickener capacity allowing other heights for the sediment from z c = 20 to . For this calculation, use the button "%z c − F" (Fig. 15, Fig. 16). Download : Download full-size image; Fig. 15. Capacity of the designed thickener.

Conventional or High Capacity Thickeners

Pyrometallurgy Towards Clean Metallurgical Processing 2012. 152 Cre, High Bridge, New. ABSTI Thickeners/clarifiers are widely used in mineral processing facilities. Thickeners play a accomplish solid/liquid separation. The demand for capacities sometime require thickener diameters as capacity thickeners makes it possible to increase thÉ more ...

Lesson 29: Biosolids Thickening Calculations

Thickener area, ft 2 = 0.785 x Diameter 2. Thickener area, ft 2 = 0.785 x (60 ft) 2. Thickener area, ft 2 = 2826 ft 2 . Now determine the surface loading rate on the thickener: Solids Loading Rate. The solids loading rate is the pounds of solisd per day bieng applied to 1 ft 2 of tank surface area. The calculation uses the surface area of the ...

Feeding a Thickener for Good Settling and Underflow …

The area that it is discharged into is called the WELL of the thickener. This is circular piece of metal open at both ends. It is deep enough to extend below the surface of the INTERPACE. The interface is that point where the solids of the thickener and the water that is relatively clean meet. The SOLIDS may also he called the UNDERFLOW.

A Critical Review of Thickener Design Methods t

all zones in the thickener at steady state, so that those zones with a smaller handling capacity will have a greater depth at the expense of the zones with higher handling …

Thickening Process Control | SpringerLink

The processing capacity of the thickener decreases. In order not to affect the circulation capacity of the whole concentrator, the thickener has to draw ore when the underflow concentration is not enough, resulting in the loss of water resources and increasing the work capacity of filtrating equipment. The core of concentration process …

Theory and application of thickener design

Unlike conventional thickener area calculations, the test procedure demonstrates the dependence of the flux curve on the system feed flux. At a given feed flux, there was good agreement between the solids flux curve determined by the method and continuous sedimentation results. ... and for capacity calculations are presented. A …

Belt Conveyor for Bulk Materials

3. BELT CONVEYORS - BASIC CALCULATIONS: 1. Mass of the Load per Unit Length: Load per unit length. Given the production capacity Qt = tph, the weight of the load per unit length (kg/m) – (lbs per ft) is calculated by: Wm = 2000. Qt …

Design of Thickeners | SpringerLink

The area of the thickener = 825 Kg/hr × 0.12874 m 2 /Kg/hr = 106.21 m 2. If Q 0 be the flow rate of sludge at concentration C 0 and Q u be the rate of underflowing …

Thickener High-Rate Thickener (HRT) High-capacity thickener operates on the principle of using the polyelectrolyte polymers more efficiently than in a conventional thickener. It has a flocculent mix chamber, inclined settling plates and automatic sludge level control system. ... Calculate the maximum feed rate that can be handled by a 50-m ...


combine in the design, contr ol and operation of a modern thick ener. This paper does not seek to. provide all the answers in thi ckener design and control, but …

Rotary Drum Thickener

Fort Lauderdale SLDG-RDT_030212 Chicago Montreal Dubai Mumbai 1.888.PARKSON thicktech@parkson The ThickTech™ Way Maximum–detention–time– with–low–fluid–shear.

Introduction to Cyclones

We recommend a maximum feed pressure of 125kPa for fine feed, and a maximum of 100kPa for coarse feed, to prevent excessive wear. But for fine particles or dilute feeds, the maximum pressure can be as high as 300kPa for the smaller cyclones – 400mmØ and less. Recommended maximum feed pressures are –. Cyclone Diameter.

A Critical Review of Thickener Design Methods t

Fig. 3 Variables in a continuous thickener. KONA No.ll (1993) 2.1 Mishler's method. The first equation to predict the capacity of a thickener was developed by Mishler6l in 1912 and corresponds to a simple macroscopic mass balance in the equipment. Consider a thickener working at steady state, as shown in Fig. 4.

Talmage and Fitch thickener design method.

Fluid zones have been not-to-scale drawn Coe-Clevenger method has been the preferred method used by manufacturers to calculate the area of a thickener [3]. However, a security factor must be used ...


Thickener Sizing Calculator valid for settling thickeners, high rate thickeners, and clarrifiers. Exit Thickener Calculator. Process Input. Parameters. Value Units. Solids …

Volume of a Cylinder Calculator

If you have the volume and radius of the cylinder:. Make sure the volume and radius are in the same units (e.g., cm³ and cm).; Square the radius.; Divide the volume by the radius squared and pi to get the height in the same units as the radius.; If you have the surface area and radius (r):. Make sure the surface and radius are in the same units.; …

Calculate a Settling Tank's Capacity

This method of calculation was shown to give results which closely approximated those of actual settling, operations in the plant. ... Stirring would not increase the capacity of the thickener beyond the natural capacity for discharging pulp of the consistency at which the channels have just closed; on the contrary, the capacity should be ...

Fact Sheet: Gravity Thickening | US EPA

Fact Sheet: Gravity Thickening. Gravity thickening is the process by which biosolids are condensed to produce a concentrated solids product and a relatively solids-free supernatant. The biosolids technology fact sheet for gravity thickening provides: A description of gravity thickening. Applicability to wastewater treatment plants.

How to Size a Thickener

Calculating Thickener Area: Thickener area required is then cal­culated by applying above determined data in the following formula: A = 1.333 (F – D)/R. A = …

High Rate Thickeners

There are two basic types of high rate thickener units: Lamina or tube settlers and solids recirculation units Lamina Thickeners They contain space-cutting baffles that intercept settling paths at many levels. Solids settle out onto the baffles and are removed from suspension after settling only a short distance. Where and to the extent …

Sludge treatment − gravity thickening | Sludge Processing

A common variant on the gravity thickener design is the picket fence thickener. This technology is fitted with a stirrer comprising a series of relatively closely-spaced vertical arms, and is therefore similar in appearance to a picket fence. For both designs, the sludge enters the centre of a cylindrical tank and flows out to the periphery.

thickener capacity calculation

Measuring Settling Rates and Calculating Thickener . Mar 03, 2016 The required depth of the thickener may be ascertained by computing the capacity of the thickening zone to contain a supply of solids equal to the total capacity of the tank for the number of hours required to thicken the pulp to the density required in the discharge, and to this depth …

Thickeners and clarifiers Complete range of reliable and …

Correct thickener and clarifier sizing ensures dependability and efficiency with a margin of safety for process upsets, allowing the greatest operational flexibility. ... key features for high-capacity thickeners are the feedwell design and the feed slurry dilution method. Our patented E-Volute™ feedwell offers Computational Fluid Dynamics

Fact Sheet: Centrifuge Thickening and Dewatering | US EPA

Centrifugal thickening and dewatering of sewage sludge is a high speed process that uses the force from rapid rotation of a cylindrical bowl to separate wastewater solids from liquid to produce a non-liquid material referred to as "cake.". Dewatering wastewater solids reduces the volume of residuals, improves operation, and reduces …

Chapter 20 Design of Thickeners

thickener. The largest unit area is to be selected for design. To provide settling time tu to thicken the sludge to underflow concentration Cu, the volume of thickener should …

Solved The thickener capacity charts in the handouts are

The thickener capacity charts in the handouts are determined using a rise rate (I didn't use this term in class, but it's the amount of slurry volume per unit of area) of 1 gpm/ft 2 of thickener area. This is a comfortable feed rate for a thickener for coal refuse. Your 110 ft diameter thickener is capable of handling 9,503 gpm of slurry.

Difference Between Clarifier and Thickener

The dense Thickener solids are raked to the thickener's underflow cone and are removed via a slurry pump through the underflow pipe. Underflow slurry densities can vary based on the type of material being processed, size distribution of solids being settled, or other process factors but as a general rule, range from 35-50% solids by weight.

Lamella Plate Vertical Clarifier

The Monroe lamella plate Vertical Clarifier is designed to provide low cost, efficient solids removal from a wide range of waste and process liquids. The inclined plate design allows the total gravity settling area to be as much as ten times more than the actual floor space occupied by the clarifier. Integral chemical mixing and flocculation ...

CHAPTER 12 Sludge Processing and Disposal Capacity Thickener design should provide adequate capacity to meet peak demands. Septicity Thickener design should provide means to prevent septicity during the thickening process. Odor consideration should be considered. Continuous Return Thickeners should be provided with a means of continuous return of