ball mill operatng work index effeciency

A Statistical Comparison of Bond Ball Mill Grindability Work Index

The Bond Grindability Work Index Test is an empirical way to predict this energy cost. According to Fred Bond, "the work index is the comminution parameter which expresses the resistance of the material to crushing and grinding" [1-3]. Recently there have been any number of evaluations and comparisons of comminution testing method [4-10].

mall mill effeciency duda

The Wellington Apartments. Welcome home to The Wellington Apartments An inviting community situated in the convenient Clays Mill area We are only minutes from the Fayette Mall Stonewall .Ball Mill Operatng Work Index Effeciency. Bond Ball Mill Work Index BWi kWht 13.4 Bond Rod Mill Work Index RWi kWht 18.1 Table 1.

Using the Bond work index to measure operating …

Rowland, C.A., 1978, "Determination and use of operating work indices in controlled grinding circuits–A proposed concept," Mill Operator's Conference and Exhibit, Northwestern Branch, Australasian Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Mt. Isa, …

Ball mill work index adjustment

What the SAGMILLING software does (Bond Wi version) The laboratory ball mill work index result is read from the database (P 80, P 100, F 80, and gpr; if multiple results exist with a particular sample …

Ball Mill Design/Power Calculation

Ball Mill Power Calculation Example #1. A wet grinding ball mill in closed circuit is to be fed 100 TPH of a material with a work index of 15 and a size distribution of 80% passing ¼ inch (6350 microns). The required product size distribution is to be 80% passing 100 mesh (149 microns).

Ball Mill: Operating principles, components, Uses, …

A ball mill also known as pebble mill or tumbling mill is a milling machine that consists of a hallow cylinder containing balls; mounted on a metallic frame such that it can be rotated along its longitudinal axis. The balls which could be of different diameter occupy 30 – 50 % of the mill volume and its size depends on the feed and mill size.

Bond Work Index Formula-Equation

In the standard A-C closed circuit ball mill grindability test the work index is found from. where Pi is the opening in microns of the sieve mesh tested, and Gbp is the net grams of mesh undersize …

appliion of operating indices in autogenous

Application of Operating Work Indices in Autogenous . Operating work indices can be used to evaluate individual units in a conventional circuit or the overall performance of an autogenoussemiautogenous (AGSAG)/ball mill circuit, but they are of limited value in evaluating AGSAG and ball mill sections separatelyThe correlation between the power …

Comparative assessment of the Bond Ball Mill Work Index …

DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493--130-145. Comparative assessment of the Bond Ball Mill Work Index tests. L.S. Chitalov, V.V. Lvov. 1 Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, e ...


Comparison of the ratio between the test (or design) value of the Work Index with actual plant operating work index thus provides a measure of that circuit's energy usage efficiency relative to that specified for crushing, rod milling, and ball milling using the Bond test scale-up method. Wi STD Wi Efficiency Ratio = ––––––– Wi ...

What Is a Ball Mill? | Blog Posts | OneMonroe

Overview of Ball Mills. As shown in the adjacent image, a ball mill is a type grinding machine that uses balls to grind and remove material. It consists of a hollow compartment that rotates along a horizontal or vertical axis. It's called a "ball mill" because it's literally filled with balls. Materials are added to the ball mill, at ...

Bonds Work Index Ball Mill

Bond Work Index Ball Mill Design And Safety Factors. Bond Work Index Ball Mill Design And Safety Factors. Ball mill grindability the test mesh used was 100 mesh p 1416 the bond work index w i was calculated from equation 2 w i 445p 1 023 x gbp 082 10p 80 05 05 10f 80 2 where f 80 is the size in m at which 80 percent of the new feed to ball mill …

Bond Work Index Report Matrix House

The Work Index is used when determining the size of the mill and grinding power required to produce the required ore throughput in a ball mill. 2. Procedure 2.1. Bond Ball Mill Grindability The sample was crushed to passing 6 mesh (3.35mm), from this a 700 cc volume was measured and weighed to be used as feed for the Bond Mill.

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maka W = 19,5 x 10 x (1/ (500^0,5) - 1/ (150.000)^0,5) didapat W = 8,22 kwh/ton. Untuk pabrik berkapasitas 400 ton/ jam, maka kapasitas motor Mill yang harus dipasang adalah. 400 ton/jam x 8,22 kwh/ton = 3288 kW. Operation Work Index. Apa itu Operation Work Index (Wi) ? adalah suatu angka yang menunjukkan karakteristik …

Calculate a Mill's Operating Work Index

Use this online formula to calculate a Ball Mill, Rod Mill or SAG Mill Operating Work Index. Based on Fred Bond's work you can estimate the energy used into your grinding circuit. This is the most accurate and informative method, but much of the …

How to use Bond Work Index to Measure Operating …

The Bond Equation is: W = 10Wi/p0.5 – 10Wi/F0.5. Where: W = kwh per short ton. Wi = Work Index determined from crushing and grinding tests. P = The size in microns (micrometers) that 80% of the product is finer than. F = The size in microns (micrometers) that 80% of the feed is finer than. Where: Wio = Operating Work Index as …

sbm/sbm 40 tons ball mill at master

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This will give the 250% circulating load. The Bond test takes 7-10 cycles. The test-sieve under size from the last grinding cycle is analyzed by screening. To calculate the work index (Wi) in a laboratory-scale ball mill, Bond first derived the equation: 16 P …

Estimation methodology for Bond ball mill work index …

A standard Bond mill (Fig. 1) was designed to perform the work index tests and determine the energy consumption of various s minerals.The mill has a round internal housing at the corners, has no lifters, and is for dry grinding. The inner diameter and the length are 0.305 m, and the ball load is 19.4% of mill volume (equaling a total weight of …

~dihog/sbm: sbm ball mill operatng work index …

sbm/sbm ball mill operatng work index -rw-r--r-- 24.3 KiB . View; Log; Blame; View raw; Permalink; c1849ea5 — dihog VII 4 months ago

Bonds Work Index Ball Mill

Bond work index type as per ASTM. Power. 1 Hp 3 Phase. MECHMIN engineered Ball Mill consists of a cylindrical shell with Curved end flanges Welded to the shell.. Mill is supported on 2 nos. Double Row Spherical Roller Bearings by 2 nos. shafts welded to the end flanges and stiffened with gussets. The above assembly is placed on Cast Iron ...

Ball Mill (Ball Mills Explained)

Crushed ore is fed to the ball mill through the inlet; a scoop (small screw conveyor) ensures the feed is constant. For both wet and dry ball mills, the ball mill is charged to approximately 33% with balls (range 30-45%). Pulp (crushed ore and water) fills another 15% of the drum's volume so that the total volume of the drum is 50% charged.

Mill Operating Work Index Calculator (Ball/Rod/SAG)

Foro de Metalurgista. Mill Operating Work Index Calculator (Ball/Rod/SAG) Mill Operating Work Index Calculator (Ball/Rod/SAG) Previous. Next. by L D MichaudFebruary 29, 2024April 5, 2015Categories Tools of a Metallurgist. Previous.

How to Measure Grinding Efficiency

Grinding Efficiency in % 82.6; Ball mill feed micrometers 1300; Ball mill product micrometers 115; Ball mill ratio of reduction 11.3; Power per metric tonne motor input Kw 9.2; Calculated operating work index Wio 15.75; On basis motor output 4.2 x …

Operating ball mill work index values & laboratory work index

A typical copper porphyry treated by HPGR will see a 0% to 10% reduction in ball mill operating work index versus the Bond ball mill work index test; a typical copper porphyry treated by a SAG ...

Bond Work Index

The ball mill work index laboratory test is conducted by grinding an ore sample prepared to passing 3.36 mm (6 mesh) to product size in the range of 45-150 µm (325-100 mesh), thus determining the ball mill work index (Wi B or BWi). The work index …

Bond Work Index Test Ball Mill

The FC Bond Work Index Test Ball Mill was designed by F. C. Bond for use in determining the Bond Index, a measure of grindability and power required for grinding applications. The FC Bond Mills are used in …

How to use Bond Work Index to Measure Operating …

Operating Efficiency: compares the operating work index, calculated from production comminution machinery operating data, to the Bond Work Index from bench scale comminution tests or calculated from pilot plant operating data. Economic …


The reason for this variation in ball mill work index is because the ore at Mt. Milligan has an intrinsic exponent of –0.45 in the 100 µm to 200 µm size range, not the –0.50 exponent empirically measured by F. Bond. The work index increase between 100 µm and 76 µm is due to a porphyritic grain size that causes a spike in energy

Factors Affecting Ball Mill Grinding Efficiency

The following are factors that have been investigated and applied in conventional ball milling in order to maximize grinding efficiency: a) Mill Geometry and Speed – Bond (1954) observed grinding efficiency to be a function of ball mill diameter, and established empirical relationships for recommended media size and mill speed …