high tension separator

Erick Alfonsus: High Tension Separator (HTS)

High Tension Separator (HTS) HTS adalah alat pemisahan mineral berdasarkan sifat listrik (konduktifitas) yang dimiliki mineral-mineral, hasil yang didapat dari mineral-mineral ini adalah konduktor, middling dan non konduktor. 1. Bagian-bagian HTS. a. "Ionizer Electroda" adalah elektrode yang berbentuk kawat halus.

Corona and electrostatic electrodes for high-tension separators

Abstract. A systematic reseach has been performed, aiming at the optimization of the corona and electrostatic electrodes of roll-type high-tension separators for mixed granular solids. The theoretical analysis of corona-charging and charge-neutralization processes has led to a crude evaluation of the electrical parameters …

High tension separation

High Tension Separation. Electrodynamic or electrostatic separators are used only for scheelite-cassiterite mixtures. In contrast to scheelite, cassiterite is conducting. Induced-roU separators have also been used in the concentration and cleaning of heavy minerals found in beach sands.

Pemisahan Electro-Static Separation: High Tension Separator …

Electro-Dynamic Electrostatic Separator. Electro dynamic separator disebut juga High Tension Separator. Separator ini bekerja pada tegangan antara 10 – 40 kV dengan kuat arus 5 – 15 mA. High tension separator memiliki dua buah elektroda yaitu ionizing electrode dan static electrode serta sebuah rotor – drum berputar yang digrounded.

(PDF) Modeling of high-tension roll separator for …

High-tension roll separator (HTRS) The high-tension separators are conventional ionized field separators utilizing a grounded roll to neutralize the charge of the feed …

Modeling of high-tension roll separator for …

The high-tension roll separator (HTRS) is one of the main electrostatic unit operation employed to separate conducting and non-conducting minerals particularly in …

Optimization for Single- and Double-Electrode High-Tension Separators …

In this study, a three-level Box–Behnken factorial design combined with response surface methodology (RSM) for modeling and optimizing of process parameters of high-tension roll separator (HTRS ...

Electrostatic Separators | How it works, Application

High Tension Roll Separators. High Tension Roll Separators (HTRS) feature a roll made from a conductive material, which is energized by a high voltage direct current. As the feed material is dispersed onto the roll, particles get ionized due to ion bombardment. The degree of ionization varies, and this difference in charging is utilized …

Electrostatic separator

An electrostatic separator is a device for separating particles by mass in a low energy charged beam. An example is the electrostatic precipitator used in coal-fired power plants to treat exhaust gas, removing small particles that cause air pollution. Electrostatic separation is a process that uses electrostatic charges to separate crushed ...

High Tension Separator

high tension separator. yaitu alat yang digunakan untuk memisahkan partikeluntuk memisahkan partikel konduktor dan non konduktor dan non konduktorkonduktor. High . High tension separation atau tension separation atau electrelectrostaticostatic separation adalah pemisahan mineral satu dengan


In this study, a three-level Box-Behnken factorial design combined with response surface methodology ( RSM) for modeling and optimizing of some process …

Author's personal copy

The high-tension separators are conventional ionized eld separators utilizing a grounded roll to neutralize the charge of the feed material, which was passed through ionizing eld. The conduct-

CoronaStat Separation Principles | OreKinetics

OreKinetics CoronaStat machines utilise ionised field separator technology combined with a unique combination of three electrodes to achieve vast performance improvements over conventional H.T.R. (High-Tension Roll) separators. Customarily, ionised field separators utilise a grounded roll that transports a feed material through a high voltage ...

(PDF) Modeling of high-tension roll separator for separation …

The High Tension Roll Separator (HTRS) is one of the main electrostatic unit operations employed to separate titanium minerals like ilmenite, rutile and leucoxene which behave as conducting from ...

(PDF) Modeling of high-tension roll separator for …

The High Tension Roll Separator (HTRS) is one of the main electrostatic unit operations employed to separate titanium minerals like ilmenite, rutile and leucoxene …

Corona and electrostatic electrodes for high-tension separators

Optimal high-voltage energization of corona-electrostatic separators. A. Iuga V. Neamtu I. Suărăşan R. Morar L. Dascalescu. Engineering, Materials Science. 1998. The selection of the high-voltage supply can play an important role in the optimization of electrostatic separation processes. This paper aims to evaluate the influence of the main ...

A New Type of Corona Electrode for High

The corona discharge represents the main physical mechanism involved in the charging of granular materials in high-tension separators. This is why an attempt has been made to formulate several criteria for choosing the most adequate electrode. A crude evaluation of the required corona current for an efficient charging has been considered as a necessary …

(DOC) High Tension Separator (1)

High Tension Separation HTS adalah penyortiran selektif benda padat dengan cara memanfaatkan gaya yang bekerja dalam polarisasi medan listrik. Pemisahan dipengaruhi dengan menyesuaikan kekuatan listrik, gaya gravitasi atau gaya sentrifugal. high tension separator berfungsi sebagai pemisah antara partikel konduktor dan non konduktor. High …

Electrostatic Separation | SpringerLink

High-tension separators can be utilized for input feeds with particle sizes in the range of 60–500 μm. Particle size considerably influences separation efficiency. For the large particle, less electrical charge can be attained on the surface relative to particle mass. Therefore, coarser non-conductive mineral particles are far more easily ...

Mathematical modelling of high tension roll separation

Application of High Tension Roll Separator for the Separation of Titanium Bearing Minerals: Process Modeling and Optimization. The High Tension Roll Separator …

Optimal high-voltage energization of corona-electrostatic separators …

The selection of the high-voltage supply can play an important role in the optimization of electrostatic separation processes. This paper aims to evaluate the influence of the main high-voltage parameters (waveform, polarity, level) on the efficiency of electrostatic separation, in the case of insulation-metal granular mixtures. A roll-type laboratory high …

high tension separator,electrostatic separator supplier

the High tension Separator is to electrify wire electrodes with very small diameter with high-voltage direct current to produce corona electric field in the space between corona electrode and grounding electrode. The entire space close to the grounding electrode carries negative charge (positive grounding) at the time and the mineral aggregates ...

Electrostatic Separation Equipment | Mineral …

Carrara – High Tension Roll Separator 270. Equipment Datasheets. Download. Carrara – High Tension Roll Separator 400. Equipment Datasheets. Download. To find out more about how we can drive down …

High-Tension Electrostatic Separator Lifting Electrode

A lifting electrode for a high-tension electrostatic separator. The high tension electrostatic separator having a rotating drum that is connected to ground and an ionizing electrode that generates a corona discharge of charged ions. The lifting electrode comprising a composite of a non-conductive polymer impregnated with conductive …

High tension separation of materials

High-Tension Electrostatic Separator Lifting Electrode US7973258B2 (en) : : Eriez Manufacturing Co. High-tension electrostatic separator lifting electrode US20160016179A1 (en) * : : Dg Press Holding B.V. Powder Purging Apparatus and Method ...

Modeling of high-tension roll separator for separation of …

The high-tension separators are conventional ionized field separators utilizing a grounded roll to neutralize the charge of the feed material, which was passed through ionizing field. The conducting particles lose their charge to the grounded roll and follow a trajectory depending on the centrifugal force developed by the speed of the rotor …

Corona and electrostatic electrodes for high-tension separators

The term "high-tension separator" [7, 8] is usually employed to name such a "classical" electrostatic device, which is characterized by the fact that the corona discharge, produced by one or several high-voltage electrodes, represents the main physical mechanism involved in the charging of the granules [9, 10]. There has been …

(PDF) Modeling of high-tension roll separator for …

High-tension roll separator (HTRS) The high-tension separators are conventional ionized field separators utilizing a grounded roll to neutralize the charge of the feed material, which was passed through ionizing field. The conducting particles lose their charge to the grounded roll and follow a trajectory depending on the centrifugal force ...

Mathematical modelling of high tension roll separation

Application of High Tension Roll Separator for the Separation of Titanium Bearing Minerals: Process Modeling and Optimization. The High Tension Roll Separator (HTRS) is one of the main electrostatic unit operations employed to separate titanium minerals like ilmenite, rutile and leucoxene which behave as conducting from….

7 Electrostatic Separation

Electrodynamic separators have come to be known as high-tension separators. The feed material flows onto a turning, grounded rotor with positive potential ( + ), and is carried into a spray of mobile ions provided by a high potential beamed fine wire electrode with negative potential ( -). The high voltage supplied to this elec­

Application of High Tension Roll Separator for the …

The High Tension Roll Separator (HTRS) is one of the main electrostatic unit operations employed to separate conducting from non-conducting fractions. Titanium minerals like ilmenite, rutile and leucoxene behave as conducting whereas zircon, sillimanite, garnet and monazite behave as non-conducting minerals when a high potential difference is ...


FIGURE 1 Illustrated in FIGURE 1 is a modular high tension separator which comprises a housing designated generally by the reference numeral 11.' Situated within the housing is a -plurality of individual high tension separator units 12. The units 12 are each enclosed in a separate compartment with a wall 1G situated between adjoining units to prevent …

Abdullah Nasution: pengertian HTS (high tension separator…

High Tension Separator (HTS) HTS adalah alat pemisahan mineral berdasarkan sifat listrik (konduktifitas) yang dimiliki mineral-mineral, hasil yang didapat dari mineral-mineral ini adalah konduktor, middling dan non konduktor. 1. Bagian-bagian HTS. a. "Ionizer Electroda" adalah elektrode yang berbentuk kawat halus.

A New Type of Corona Electrode for High

INTRODUCTION The term "high-tension separator" is usually employed to name an important category of electrostatic devices which achieve the selective sorting of mixed granular materials [1], [2], [3]. They differ from other types of electrostatic separators [4] by the fact that the corona discharge, produced by one or several high-voltage 75 AL.

Application of High Tension Roll Separator for the …

The High Tension Roll Separator (HTRS) is one of the main electrostatic unit operations employed to separate titanium minerals like ilmenite, rutile and leucoxene which behave as conducting from zircon, sillimanite, garnet and monazite which behave as non-conducting minerals when a high potential difference is applied.

Optimization of electrodynamic separation for metals …

Based on the investigation on a Carpco laboratory electrodynamic or high tension separator for a recycling purpose, major findings can be summed up as follows: 1. The Carpco laboratory high tension or electrodynamic separators can be employed for metals recovery from electronic scrap by optimizing various variables involved in the …