increased fine aggregate in concrete

Chemico-thermal treatment for quality enhancement of recycled concrete

Utilization of recycled concrete fine aggregates to full potential in the construction sector is necessary to increase the ecological value and solves the issues of natural sand scarcity. However, the quality of recycled concrete fine aggregates is inferior to conventional aggregates. Hence, a treatment process is obviously essential for …


The study investigated the level of replacement of fine aggregate with waste glass that will result in optimal compressive strength. A total of 36 cubes were cast. 6 cubes without waste glass (control) and 30 cubes containing waste glass as partial replacement for fine aggregates at 15%, 25%, 35%, 45%, and 50%. Water/cement ratio of 0.6 was used.

Effects of different fine aggregate on concrete …

The slump obtained from specimens with different W/C of 0.35, 0.45 and 0.60 ranged from 51-86mm. The concrete produced from grit as fine aggregate with a water-cement ratio of 0.45, produced a maximum …


The aggregates typically account about 75% of the concrete volume and play a substantial role in different concrete properties such as workability, strength, dimensional stability and durability, Conventional concrete consists of sand as fine aggregate and gravel, limestone or granite in various sizes and shapes as coarse aggregate.


However, 15% of 600µm crushed cockle shell rapidly increased and exceeded the target slump for lightweight concrete which the standard slump value was 50-75mm.

Experimental Study on Flexural Fatigue Resistance of Recycled Fine …

In order to study the flexural fatigue resistance of calcium sulfate whisker-modified recycled fine aggregate concrete (RFAC), flexural fatigue cyclic loading tests at different stress levels (0.6, 0.7, and 0.9) considering a calcium sulfate whisker (CSW) admixture as the main influencing factor were designed. Furthermore, the fatigue life was …

Comparative Study on Natural and Recycled Concrete Aggregate …

The study shows that the workability of concrete increased from 0 to 40% at various replacement of RCA relative to the conventional concrete. ... Valcke S, Schlangen E (2021) Use of fine recycled concrete aggregates in concrete: a critical review. J Build Eng 38:102196. Google Scholar Sri R, Tam CT (1985) Properties of …

Use of recycled mortar as fine aggregates in pavement concrete …

Abstract. The use of recycled aggregates derived from construction and demolition wastes increased in the concrete construction industry. While the coarse fraction (i.e., from 5 to 20 mm) was successfully recycled, the fine fraction (i.e., from 0 to 5 mm) is hardly recyclable given its heterogenous nature and poor physical properties.

Enhancing high-performance concrete sustainability: …

Miah et al. found waste tire fine aggregate replacement of up to 20% maintained adequate strength in concrete. Higher replacement increased porosity and reduced strength, modulus, and shrinkage 24 .

Effect of Aggregate Size on Strength

A.: If the quantities of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, cement and water are the same for both mixes, the mix with l l/2-inch aggregate will have greater slump and will probably bleed more. If both mixes are plastic the resulting strengths of the two mixes will probably be about the same. If, however, the two mixes are designed for the same ...

Effect of fine aggregate/coarse aggregate ratio on the fresh …

The results also prove the increase in the air content with the increase of fine aggregate, which is a fact that the higher percentages of fine aggregate in the mix lead to a higher permeability. Fig. 3 presents the slump flow and the flow time measured by the V-Funnel test at various ratios of fine/course aggregates. The figure shows that the ...

Fine Aggregate for Concrete: 3 Classification, Properties and

The increase in the volume of a given mass of fine aggregate caused by the presence of water is known as bulking. The water forms a film over the fine aggregate particles, exerts the force of surface tension and pushes them apart increasing the volume. ... and durability of the resulting concrete. Fine aggregate particles range in size from ...

What are Fine Aggregate Materials and how are they used? — Sikes Concrete

Aggregate materials are a basic building block of construction and civil engineering projects. These materials, which include sand, gravel, and crushed stone, are often used in the production of concrete and asphalt, as well as for road base, fill, and other applications. However, aggregate materials have many other uses beyond their role in ...

Sand: The Fine Aggregate | SpringerLink

That portion of an aggregate passing the 4.75 mm sieve and predominantly retained on the 75 µm sieve is called "fine aggregate" or "sand," and larger aggregate is called "coarse aggregate". Coarse aggregate may be available in several different size groups, such as 4.7–19 mm, or 19–37.5 mm. Fine aggregates generally consist of ...

Evaluation of iron ore tailings as replacement for fine aggregate in

On the other hand, the carbonation resistance is reduced with the addition of fine recycled aggregate to the concrete. Similarly Levy and Helene [18] observed that the carbonation depth decreases with the increase of recycled fine aggregate as replacement to natural aggregate. However, by using recycled aggregates, they found that the ...

The Effect of Fineness Modulus of Fine Aggregate (sand) on Concrete …

modulus of Awotan quarry is 1.57 called fine sand. 2) The concrete compressive strength test results on Ayegun quarry specimen is. 21.33N/MM, Akufo quarry specimen is 22.44 N/MM, and Awotan quarry ...

Buildings | Free Full-Text | Compressive Behaviors of High …

In this study, natural fine aggregates (NFAs) in high-strength fly ash (FA)/ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS)-based geopolymer concretes were both partially and completely replaced by RFAs to prepare geopolymer recycled fine aggregate concrete (GRFC). Herein, the impacts of RFA content (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and ) …

Effects of recycled fine aggregates on properties of concrete

3.2. Experimental methods3.2.1. Mix design of concrete. It should be noted that CRCA is referred to as CRCA-B before grinding and CRCA-A after grinding, while different mixtures of fine aggregates such as ' FNA', '30% FRCA+70% FNA', '60% FRCA+40% FNA' and ' FRCA' are referred to as FNA, FRCA30, FRCA60 and …

The Durability of Recycled Fine Aggregate Concrete: A Review

In coarse aggregate concrete, an increase in the water-to-ash ratio (W/C) or the addition of additives or mineral additives is required to offset the lower workability of the RAC . Regarding fresh state characteristics of recycled aggregate concrete, to achieve the same target slump, both the effective and apparent w/c ratios should increase as ...

Effect of fine aggregate/coarse aggregate ratio on …

The results also prove the increase in the air content with the increase of fine aggregate, which is a fact that the higher percentages of fine aggregate in the mix lead to a higher permeability. Fig. 3 presents the slump flow and the flow time measured by the V-Funnel test at various ratios of fine/course aggregates. The figure shows that the ...

Crumb rubber as partial replacement for fine aggregate in concrete…

Plenty of studies have shown recycling crumb rubber as fine aggregate in concrete commonly causes markable decrease in compressive strength. ... One possible reason for this is the increase of pore sizes in concrete due to larger w/c. When exposure duration increased from 28 to 91 days, carbonation depths of all groups are increased ...

Effect of Sand Fines and Water/Cement Ratio on …

The results were of concrete. prepared in concrete Fines using content strength. the basic in A sand study show that, in workability mix of 1:2:4. was 2%, increased. decreased the effect of fines The workability ratio of 0.55 and the study compressive of concrete decreased strengths were and again W/C revealed on strength work that influenced ...

A comparative review on the utilisation of recycled waste …

The primary component of concrete is FA. Fine aggregates play a vital role in providing the necessary workability, strength, and durability to concrete. They fill the voids between coarse aggregates and cement particles, enhancing the overall cohesion of the mixture. ... but the tensile strength of ordinary concrete increased by 96.6%. The ...

Utilization of coal gangue sand in structural concrete as fine

Gangue fine aggregate concrete is used in concrete-filled steel tube and reinforced concrete stubs. • The increase in r G S increases the ductility of the coal GSCFST. • Constitutive model of the gangue sand concrete is proposed. • Environmental impact of the GSCFST is less than that of the RGSC.

Strength assessment of concrete with copper slag as fine aggregates

The use of copper slag as a substitute for conventional fine aggregates has shown an increase in compressive and split tensile strength, as well as flexural strength, for various concrete grades. 3. The optimal dosage level of copper slag for the M20, M40, and M60 grades of concrete is 60 percent, 50 percent, and 40 percent, respectively, based ...

Concrete Made with Iron Ore Tailings as a Fine Aggregate: …

Various waste may be used to create fine aggregates for concrete [10,11,12,13]. Much research is focused on improving the quality of environment in different ways [14,15,16,17]. The demand for natural resources has increased along with the continuous rise in living standards, and increasingly more industrial waste is being created .


The porosity of an aggregate may also affect workability of concrete. If the aggregate can absorb a great deal of water, less will be available to provide workability. The particle size of coarse aggregate influences the water requirement for a given consistency (Table 1). Additionally, very fine or angular sands require more water for a given ...

Analytical evaluation of compressive strength for concrete …

The best utilization of rubber fine aggregates in concrete was added them in the manner with content of ≤ 3.0% (about 10.0% for the volume of sand fine aggregate), in size of 2–4 mm and pretreated by 5% sodium hydroxide solution or KH-570.

Mechanical Behavior of Recycled Fine Aggregate Concrete …

This study investigated the mechanical behavior of normal strength (NS) and high strength (HS) concrete containing recycled fine aggregates (RFAs). A high slump mixing design was employed, which may be potentially used as filled structural concrete. The compressive strength, tensile strength, and elastic modulus were measured …


Aggregates. Aggregates are inert granular materials such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone that, along with water and portland cement, are an essential ingredient in concrete. For a good concrete mix, aggregates need to be clean, hard, strong particles free of absorbed chemicals or coatings of clay and other fine materials that could cause the ...

Effect of coarse aggregate characteristics on concrete rheology

Geiker et al. have shown that the relative yield stress and viscosity of concrete significantly increase with increased coarse aggregate (CA) volume fraction [7]. The water requirement for concrete decreases with increased aggregate particle size. Very fine aggregate requires more water for a given consistency.

A study on the strength and durability characteristics of fiber

Because of RA's high-water absorption, they were saturated before blending in the concrete mix. Fine and coarse aggregates were used in saturated surface conditions. ... Fig. 14 (a) shows that as the amount of recycled aggregate was increased in concrete samples, the compressive strength of concrete samples was reduced after an …