open pit mine design factors

Pit Optimization for Improved NPV and Life of Mine in

Whittle is a mine planning tool to optimize an open pit mine in order to maximize the output, i.e., Ore and NPV. Whittle software works on the geological model …

Design of an open-pit gold mine by optimal …

PDF | The overall steepness of pitwalls significantly influences the financial return of an open pit mine. In current practice, pitwall profiles are... | Find, read and cite all the...

Design of openpit mining | PPT

Mar 12, 2012 •. 144 likes • 56,025 views. S. SATYANARAYANA I. Technology Business. 1 of 25. Design of openpit mining - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

Optimum design of open pit mines | Semantic Scholar

Optimization of open-pit mine design and production planning with an improved floating cone algorithm. Open-pit mining plans include implementing operations throughout the entire life of the mine. In addition to geometric and geotechnical constraints, it is important to ensure an uninterrupted ore….

(PDF) Determination of Ultimate Pit Limits in Open Mines …

Planning and design procedure of an open pit mining project just can be started after ultimate pit determination. In the carried out study in this paper it was shown that the most important factor ...

A new approach for evaluation of slope stability in large open-pit …

The slope stability has already become one of the most important factors directly related to the safety production and development of a mine, which is principally controlled by the properties of geological discontinuities of slope, such as bedding planes, faults, cleavage and joints. In this study, a new approach for the evaluation of slope …

Open-Pit Mining Design

O Open-Pit Mining Design. It is the activity of determining the technical pro-posal of open-pit mining and providing docu-ments and drawings with a technical basis for the …

Open Pit Design Economics

The first range is given by the break-even stripping ratio open pit-underground and the minimum safety factor allowable (SF = 1). This sets the minimum angle at 35° and the maximum at 65°. The second range is set by the mine recovery factor. The minimum value is determined by the lowest desired ore recovery of 80%.

Open pit mine planning considering geomechanical …

All the parameters needed to perform the pit design were taken from [22] except for the mining cost adjustment factor (MCAF), which was estimated for this study. The characteristics of the block ...

Designing safer open pit mines

Our first book Guidelines for Open Pit Slope Design was released in 2009 and has changed the way the mining industry approaches open pit slope design. It provides best practice guidance around how to maximise …

Analysis of the Dust-Concentration Distribution Law in an Open-Pit Mine …

In this study, a solar-powered multipoint network monitoring method was used to record dust-particle concentrations and meteorological indicators in the Anjialing open-pit coal mine in the Pingshuo mining area. The factors influencing the concentrations of particulate matter of different maximum diameters (PM2.5, PM10, and …

Pit Optimization for Improved NPV and Life of Mine in

Operations planning and management of a large open pit mine is an enormous and complex task, particularly for mines having long life. The long-term planning of open pit mine is a dynamic process and should be reviewed periodically for enhancing the NPV and life of mine. Pit optimization through soft computing can be gainfully …

Optimum design of open pit mines | Semantic Scholar

Optimization of open-pit mine design and production planning with an improved floating cone algorithm. Open-pit mining plans include implementing …

Research on production capacity planning method of open-pit coal mine

The open-pit coal mining has the characteristics of high recovery and high safety factors, open-pit coal mining can bring huge economic benefits to the mining area 4,5,6,7. In the mining design of ...

Stability prediction and optimal angle of high slope in open-pit mine …

1. Introduction. Since the 20th century, the heights of slopes in open-pit mines have increased all over the world (Zhang et al., 2012).Examples include the Bingham Canyon copper mine, with a slope height of about 1000 m in the United States; the Udachnaya pipe diamond mine, with a slope height of about 600 m in Russia; and …

5 Factors Influencing Open-Pit Mining Development Methods

This post will introduce 5 factors influencing the choice of the opening mode of open-pit deposits: 1. Geological and Topographical Conditions of Deposits. 2. Opencast Mine Production Capacity. 3. Quantity and Duration of Infrastructure Projects. 4.

Ultimate pit optimization with environmental problem for open-pit coal mine

According to the flow chart, an initial ultimate pit is optimized by the original unit costs (without ecological costs). The original unit costs are 1.79 US$/t and 2.39 US$/m 3, respectively, for coal mining and rock removal.The initial ultimate pit is obtained in traditional way, which takes the maximum economic benefit as the objective function …

Design acceptance criteria for operating open-pit slopes: …

This article presents the state of practice for inter-ramp and overall open-pit slope design in the mining industry and develops flexible DAC for operating pits that addresses the considerations outlined. The criteria are rooted in robust risk tolerance principles, previously adopted criteria, a database of open-pit designs, and …

Hazard Classification and Stability Analysis of High and …

In other words, the safety factor of the R3 slope is greater than the design safety factor when the step slope angle is increased from 65° to 80° and the final slope angle is expanded from 45°21′35″ to 55°30′41″. 5. Discussion ... This study is based on the existing open-pit mining design. If a larger final slope angle is to be ...


Mining - Strip, Open-Pit, Quarrying: It has been estimated that more than two-thirds of the world's yearly mineral production is extracted by surface mining. There are several types of surface mining, but the three most common are open-pit mining, strip mining, and quarrying. These differ from one another in the mine geometries created, the techniques …

Flexible open-pit mine design under uncertainty | Request …

The open-pit coal mining has the characteristics of high recovery and high safety factors, open-pit coal mining can bring huge economic bene ts to the mining area 4, 5, 6,7 . In the mining design ...

Slope Design and Implementation in Open Pit Mines: …

Abstract. Slopes in open pit mines must be considered as geotechnical structures. Therefore their design and implementation must be conducted with all …

Slope Design and Implementation in Open Pit Mines: …

This article reminds the principles of slope design in open pit mines, and presents techniques and tools available to address the successive stages of slope design. Their practical implementation is then illustrated by two case studies of open pit mines. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 1-6469-4813; fax: +33 1-6469-4711.

A model for open-pit pushback design with operational …

Open-pit mines are surface excavations created to extract valuable material which, in most cases, is located near the surface. ... pits obtained by weighting the metal price with a factor such that a resource constraint is satisfied, ... Avis D (2014a) Optimized open pit mine design, pushbacks and the gap problem-a review. J Min Sci …

Surface mining planning and design of open pit mining

This document provides an outline for a lecture presentation on open pit mining methods and planning. It discusses key parameters such as bench height and geometry, cutoff grade calculation, and factors affecting open pit stability. The presentation covers the basic concept of open pit mining, how overburden is removed, and …

(PDF) Application of Surpac and Whittle Software in Open Pit

The objective of open pit optimisation and design is to determine, prior to the start of mining operations, the final shape and size of the pit which contains ore that can be mined safely and ...

(PDF) Selection of practical bench height in open pit mining …

The development of Jilț North open pit involves excavations in a hilly area, with a level difference between the base of the open pit and the top of the hill of approx. 195 m (151 m by the end of ...

A New Method for Haul Road Design in Open-Pit Mines to …

The design of a haul road for an open-pit mine can significantly affect the cost associated with hauling ore and waste to the surface. This study proposes a new method for haul road design in open-pit mines to support efficient truck haulage operations. The road layout in open-pit mines was optimized by using raster-based least-cost path analysis, and the …

Planning Considerations For Transition From Open Pit To …

Planning Considerations: The efficient transition from open pit mining to an underground operation requires extensive planning. For a large mining operation, planning could last as long as 20 years. The main factors and activities that need to be taken into account in the planning cycle are as follows: Definition of the ore body.

Determining the Most Effective Factors on Open Pit Mine …

The optimization of open pit mine design under uncertain factors is one of the most crucial and challenging jobs in the mine planning and design process. Complex geological structures escalate the ...

What Is Open-Pit Mining? Definition and Environmental Impact

Open-pit mining is commonly used to extract metallic ores like aluminum, bauxite, copper, gold, copper, and iron as well as non-metallic ores like coal, uranium, and phosphate. Open-pit mining is ...

Determining the Most Effective Factors on Open Pit Mine …

Determination of ultimate pit limit, and sequence of blocks extraction through the mine life is referred as mine design and planning. The aim of mine design and planning is to develop a yearly extraction plan which guides the mining operation to the highest Net...

Strategic Mine Planning for Open Pit Mines – The …

In this example, the pit shell that was selected for further analysis is the pit shell at Profit Factor 0.46. This is obviously not pit shell with the maximum NPV. The difference in NPV between the pit shell at …

Mine Design Selection Considering Sustainable Development

Sustainable development and sustainable mining is the key factor of future mine designs. In this paper, two mine designs based on profit maximization, life maximization of Sungun copper mine is investigated. A method based on the concepts of Folchi method is used to quantify the level of sustainability of each mine designs.

(PDF) Open Pit Mining

Open pit mining is defined as the method of extracting any near surface ore. deposit using one or more horizontal benches to extract the ore while dumping. overburden and tailings (waste) at a ...

Guidelines and considerations for open pit …

Guidelines and considerations for open pit designers. It is recognised that some of the course participants on the Deswik software "Design for Open Pit Metals" course may be new to pit design and …

Open-Pit Mine Production Planning and Scheduling: A Research …

tions and an optimal schedule, these factors are analyzed based on strategic . ... The design and scheduling of open pit mining operations is an enormous complex task. Given a discretisation of an ...

Open Pit Mining | Design, Planning & Engineering | SRK

Our expertise ensures that appropriate project development decisions are made to advance projects quickly and efficiently. We cover all stages of mine life from initial scoping through to mine optimization and expansion projects. Services. Engineering studies at all stages. Strategic planning of economic cut-off grades and production rate analysis.

Open Pit Planning and Design | Request PDF

Nevertheless, with open-pit mine design guidelines, a detailed understanding of local climate and extremes is recommended from the perspective of formulating a water management plan (Wetherelt and ...