Mine Equipment Selection

Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2004

Here in this volume, proceedings from the thirteenth annual symposium concentrate on the following major topics: * health, safety and environmental protection. Including 147 papers from leading experts and authorities, Mine Planning and Equipment Selection undoubtedly provides valuable information and insight for a range of engineers …

Equipment selection in mineral processing

1. Introduction. Mineral processing equipment selection is the task of examining various machinery alternatives being considered and choosing the most suitable equipment that involves multiple criteria such as technical, environmental, and socio-economic aspects (Sitorus et al., 2019b).The selection of suitable equipment in mineral …

Mine planning and equipment selection 1995

@misc{etde_464623, title = {Mine planning and equipment selection 1995} author = {Singhal, R J, Mehrotra, A K, Hadjigeorgiou, J, and Poulin, R} abstractNote = {Papers are presented under the following headings: design and planning of surface and underground mines; mine equipment, materials handling and equipment maintenance; …

Mine planning and equipment selection 1995

Proceedings of the fourth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Calgary, Canada, 31 October-3 November 1995. Classifications Library of Congress TN274 .I58 1995 The Physical Object Pagination xx, 1117 p. : Number of pages 1117 ID Numbers Open Library OL20110105M ISBN 10 9054105690 Goodreads

Mine Planning and Equipment Selection

Book Title: Mine Planning and Equipment Selection. Book Subtitle: Proceedings of the 22nd MPES Conference, Dresden, Germany, 14th – 19th October 2013. Editors: Carsten …

Equipment Selection for Surface Mining: A Review

In surface mining applications, the ESP addresses the of the ore. Trucks transport this material to a number. selection of equipment to extract and haul mined mate- of dumpsites, which can include mills for crushing. rial, including both waste and ore, over the lifetime or refining the ore, stockpiles, and waste dumpsites.

Equipment Selection for Surface Mining: A Review

Abstract. One of the challenging problems for surface mining operation optimization is choosing the optimal truck and loader fleet. We refer to this problem as …

Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 1995

Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 1995. This text presents about 150 papers based on an international symposium on mine planning and equipment selection, held in Canada in 1995. Coverage includes: design and planning of surface and underground mines; surface mining and the environment; tailings disposal; and slope …

Introduction to Concurrent Mining and Reclamation for Coal Mines …

Mining subsidence land reclamation was focused on stable land for the past 30 years in China. In eastern China, a relatively flat terrain and high groundwater table area, mining activities cause more than half of the subsided land submerged in water and the fertilized top soil was lost permanently, which leads to a low percentage of farmland reclamation …

23 Equipment Selection for Mining: with Case Studies

Here are the key steps and considerations for equipment selection in mining: Define the Mining Operation. Assess Geological and Geotechnical Conditions. …

Mine planning and equipment selection 1996

Mine planning and equipment selection 1996 : proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, São Paulo, Brazil, 22-25 October 1996 Bookreader Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. Share to Tumblr. Share to …

A Simulation Model for Estimation of Mine Haulage Fleet …

The topics include analyzing productivity measures, different methods of allocating shovels to the mining faces and allocating trucks to the shovels, dispatch optimization and equipment selection. Some of the related works include optimization of truck shovel allocation [ 18 ], using simulation for fleet size optimization [ 19 ], and …

Equipment Selection for Mining: With Case Studies

Equipment Selection for Mining: With Case Studies. January 2018. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-76255-5. Authors: Christina Burt. University of Melbourne. Louis Caccetta. Curtin University. To read the ...

U-ES: Decision theory-based model for appropriate mining equipment …

The selection of equipment in the Anguran underground mine stope was studied using decision-making models for the first time, and the U-ES model was developed for this research. Currently, the equipment used in the case study; Manual drills are used with rods with a diameter of 30 to 35 mm, which have disadvantages such as slow drilling, low ...

Models for Mining Equipment Selection

2.2.2 Simulation. Simulation is a well used and notably powerful tool for the mining industry. Although simulation is most effectively used in mining equipment selection to analyse the earth-moving system, some equipment selection solutions exist …

Mine Planning & Equipment Selection

Mine Planning & Equipment Selection 2023 happens in Johannesburg, South Africa Nov, 2023 focus on Industrial Parts & Fabrication Services. The cycle of the trade fair is, organize by THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGY at on Convention Centre.

Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2000

1 Design and planning of surface and underground mines 2 Mining geostatistics and mine optimisation 3 Geotechnical stability in surface and underground mines 4 Mine evaluation- Financial and management issues 5 Mine equipment selection 6 Innovative mining systems- machine automation 7 Information technologies in mining 8 Mining and the …

Equipment selection for high selective T excavation …

the selection of mining equipment. These models are life cycle cost analysis3, net present value analysis4, linear breakeven model5, linear programming6 and decision making tools such as reliability analysis, knowledge based expert systems and analytical hierarchy processes7–9. The most important factors for the selection of opencast mining ...

Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2004

Here in this volume, proceedings from the thirteenth annual symposium concentrate on the following major topics: * open pit and underground mine planning, modelling and design. * geomechanics. * mining and processing methods. * design, monitoring and maintenance of mine equipment. * simulation, optimalization and control of technological processes.

Equipment Selection for Surface Mining: A Review

Key words: Equipment Selection, Surface Mining, Shovel-Truck Productivity, Mining Method Selection, Multi-Commodity Network Flow. Introduction. The general …

MSAHP: An approach to mining method selection

Mining method selection is the most fundamental activity of a mining study, because everything else depends on it. It is a process whereby the mining method attributes are matched to the orebody characteristics. This crucial decision must invariably be made at a stage of the study when the least information is available.


Underground mining is conducted over a wide range of stope widths. The selection of equipment combinations to efficiently mine these widths is often problematic. In most cases, however, proper selection is critical to the economic success of the endeavor. Practical experience and pertinent data from technical literature were compiled and

Optimal material handling equipment selection using mixed …

Selection of materials handling equipment needs to be carefully conducted as a critical component of mine planning and economics of mining operations. The earth moving operation constitutes almost half of the total operating expenses in an open pit mining application. ... The reason for evaluating the on-highway and off-highway mining …

OneMine | Equipment Selection and Utilization

Equipment capital operating costs represent a significant portion of the total cost of most mining operations, and a variety of computerized methods have been developed to assist in the selection and effective use of this equipment. The questions to be answered and the tools available to answer these questions vary with the type of mine to be analyzed, the …

[PDF] Models for Mining Equipment Selection

Models for Mining Equipment Selection. Caccetta, Welgama. Published 2005. Engineering, Environmental Science. In many industries, materials handling represents a …

Methodology for underground mining method …

The methodology consists of two phases: • rational selection of a group of mining methods using numerical methods; • optimal selection of a mining method using multi-criteria decision-making methods. 2. …

The Role of Cost Estimating in Mine Planning and Equipment Selection

The objective of a mine planning exercise is to plan a safe mine that maximises net present value (NPV) for the project. Two primary elements are key to design of a mine plan optimised to maximise profit: selection of an optimised production rate and selection of an optimised equipment fleet. Both depend upon accurate estimations of …

Loading tool selection guide

We created this loading tool selection guide to: Make selecting loading tools for a loading and haulage surface mining operation easier and simpler. Give you the relevant and …

Ore Pass Systems in Quebec Underground Mines

Mine Planning and Equipment Selection Kalgoorlie, WA, 23 - 25 April 2003 511 ORE PASS SYSTEMS IN QUEBEC UNDERGROUND MINES 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 Particlesize(m) Percentpassingbyweight Bousquet Niobec Laronde Kiena Doyon Mouska Langlois FIG 2 - Size distribution for ore material from primary …

Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2004

Books. Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2004: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Wroclaw, Poland, 1-3 September 2004. Monika Hardygóra, Gabriela Paszkowska, Marek Sikora. CRC Press, Aug 15, 2004 - Technology & Engineering - 906 pages. …

Equipment Selection for Surface Mining: A Review

The objective of this study is to develop and apply the new methodology of multi-criteria selection of open pit rock mining equipment based on multiple criteria …

(PDF) Decision making in equipment selection: An

A study was conducted by Aghajani Bazzazi et al. in 2011 to select equipment for open pit mines use AHP and VIKOR (Visekriterijumsko Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) methods (Bazzazi et al ...

Mine Planning and Equipment Selection | Semantic Scholar

With the increasing mining activities in China,the surrounding eco-environment of mines is faced with unprecedented pressure,including a series of resources,ecological,and environmental problems.This…. Expand. 27. Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Mine Planning and Equipment Selection" by C. Drebenstedt et al.

Equipment Selection for Mining: With Case Studies

Equipment Selection for Mining: With Case Studies. Home. Book. Editors: Christina N. Burt, Louis Caccetta. Helps readers design a long-term mining schedule that minimizes …

Key Considerations in Mineral Processing: Selecting the Right Equipment …

October 7, 2023 / in Knowledges / by Dasen. In the field of mineral processing, selecting the appropriate equipment is crucial for optimizing efficiency and maximizing profitability. Understanding key factors such as deposit location, service lifespan, mining depth, and geological characteristics plays a pivotal role in this decision-making ...

Selecting the suitable loading-haulage …

1 INTRODUCTION. Equipment selection is one of the most. important factors in open-pit design (pit. slopes, bench height, block sizes and. geometries, ramp layout as well as. excavation sequences ...

Equipment selection with heterogeneous fleets for multiple-period

2.1. Assumptions. Known mine schedule: An acceptable mine schedule has already been derived, and the mining method has been selected.We start the equipment selection process with a set of trucks and loaders that suit the mine. Single mining location: All the loaders and trucks operate as one fleet.That is, all loaders work in the …

A simulation-based algorithm for solving surface mines' equipment …

Haulage costs contribute to over 50% of mining costs in small- to medium-size mines and up to 60% of mining cost... A simulation-based algorithm for solving surface mines' equipment selection and sizing problem under uncertainty: CIM Journal: Vol 12, No 1 - Get Access

Mine Planning and Equipment Selection

This edited volume includes all papers presented at the 22nd International Conference on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES), Dresden, Germany, 2013. Mineral Resources are needed for almost all processes of modern life, whilst the mining industry is facing strict requirements regarding efficiency and sustainability. The …

Mine Design Selection Considering Sustainable Development

A method based on the concepts of Folchi method is used to quantify the level of sustainability of each mine designs. Using this method, the sustainability of the selected mine design is 592, and it is proclaimed as a sustainable mine design. It means that, the selected design provides a balance among all the aspects of sustainable development.