Concrete aggregate conical pebbles

Decorative Pebbles & Cobbles for Gardens

20-40mm White Pebbles. £ 4.32 – £ 230.40. Shop Now. Our decorative pebbles and cobbles are available for purchase in both bulk or mini bags, depending on the scale of your project. You can also sample our decorative stones to check their suitability before purchasing larger quantities. For further guidance about which garden pebbles and ...


Crushed aggregate is produced by crushing quarry rock, boulders, cobbles, or large-size gravel. Recycled concrete is a viable source of aggregate and has been satisfactorily used in granular subbases, soil-cement, and in new concrete. After harvesting, aggregate is processed: crushed, screened, and washed to obtain proper cleanliness and gradation.

Exposed Aggregate Concrete

An exposed-aggregate surface is obtained by placing concrete and then removing the outer 'skin' of cement paste to uncover decorative coarse aggregate (either batched into …

Exposed Aggregate Concrete: Choice for Outdoor

Exposed aggregate concrete is a decorative type of concrete that reveals the natural beauty of stones, pebbles, and other aggregates embedded within its surface. This unique finish offers a visually appealing and slip-resistant texture, making it ideal for both residential and commercial applications.

Glow Stones For Concrete Genuine PolyGlow™ Glow In The Dark Pebbles

PolyGlow™ glow stones for concrete can be used either indoors or outdoors. PolyGlow™ glow in the dark stones are also suitable for use in polished concrete benchtop applications. Glow stones for concrete: perfect for use in all polished concrete and exposed aggregate concrete applications: * 5-15mm size grading.

Experimental Study on Pervious Concrete with …

4) Pervious concrete made with pebbles as coarse aggregate results in superior permeability property due to its round shape nature. 5) Pervious concrete made with PPC as binder and pebbles as a coarse aggregate …

Exposed Aggregate Driveway (Design Guide)

Exposed Aggregate Driveway Design. Aggregate is a construction term that refers to loose particulate material. The material could be rocks, pebbles, stone dust, or even crushed shells. Aggregate is a major component of concrete, affecting its strength, texture, and appearance. When a traditional concrete driveway is poured, the result is a ...

Repairing Exposed Aggregate Concrete with Roadware …

Roadware MatchCrete™ Clear (MCC) is an excellent choice for repairing many kinds of exposed aggregate problems from gluing loose rocks in place to filling spalls. MCC can repair cracks and protect control joints too. MatchCrete™ Clear is applied to the repair surface. Aggregated is added to the repair area. The aggregate carefully placed ...

Expanded clay aggregate

Heat-expanded lightweight clay pebbles. Lightweight expanded clay aggregate ( LECA) or expanded clay ( exclay) is a lightweight aggregate made by heating clay to around 1,200 °C (2,190 °F) in a rotary kiln. The heating process causes gases trapped in the clay to expand, forming thousands of small bubbles and giving the material a porous ...

Exposed Aggregate Concrete Solutions

READY Exposed concrete combines the strength, durability and affordability of concrete with the natural beauty of New Zealand's …

Gravel Vs. Pebble: What's The Difference? [And When To Use …

Pebbles, with their semi-polished, smooth, and round surface, are more attractive. They are used for landscaping, arts and craft, gardening, and aquascaping. Gravel is made up of irregular and angular shapes and has a coarse texture. It is used for construction, landscaping, erosion control, and agricultural purposes.

How to Create a Pebbled Concrete Surface | Hunker

Step 3: Tamp the Aggregate. Add 3/4-inch aggregate into the expanse and spread it with a shovel. Insert a measuring stick through the aggregate to the compacted …

Stone Pebble Epoxy Flooring

4. Prime The Concrete. We use a special adhesion epoxy to prime the concrete or wood before applying the coating. 5. Apply Rock & Epoxy Coating. All Pebble Stone epoxy …

How to Remove Pebble Finish from Concrete

Step 1 - Clean It Up. Step 2 - Safety Measures. Step 3- Use the Solvent. Step 4 - The Breakdown. Step 5 - The Removal. Step 6 - The Final Cleanup. Conclusion. Let's first introduce you to what it actually is, so you'll better understand the whole process and how to remove pebble finish from concrete. Related Read: A Free Guide On …


Exposed Aggregate Surface: Concrete to receive an exposed aggregate surface shall contain a minimum of 560 lb. of ASTM C 150 Type II Portland cement per cubic yard of concrete. Compressive Strength (28 Days): 3000 psi. Maximum Water‐Cementitious Materials Ratio at Point of Placement: 0.53.

What Concrete Uses No Rocks or Gravel? | Concrete …

Concrete that uses no rocks or coarse gravel is called "mortar concrete". It is made up of Portland cement, sand, and fine aggregate. Mortar concrete has a fine-grained appearance once set. Popular brands like Quickrete, Sakrete, and Sika all sell mortar mixes. These mixes are made up of fine aggregates, but there are ways you can make …

How to Expose Aggregate in Concrete

One top-surface retarder product is Surface Deactivator by Brickform, which provides ten exposure depths, from a simulated light acid etch or sand blast finish up to full exposure of 1 ½" aggregate. Surface Deactivator offers an extended window before the surface paste is removed, allowing the concrete to harden properly, which locks in the aggregate and …

4 ways to make exposed aggregate concrete

You can use four techniques to create this finish: seeded, polished, washed, and exposed. Each method suits specific instances well and produces beautifully told aggregate finished products. When deciding which technique to use, you should consider whether the concrete is old and cured ages ago or if it is still being made.


01/07/2017. 5%. 25171010. Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Of A Kind Commonly Used For Concrete Aggregates, For Road Metalling Or For Railway Or Other Ballast, Shingle And Flint, Whether Or Not Heat-Treated; Macadam Of Slag, Dross Or Similar Industrial Waste, Whether Or N. 5.

How do you get the Pebble look on Concrete Surfaces

Make it shine. Use pieces of polished stone or glass to add a glowing look to your concrete. Create a pattern. Use exposed aggregate to create a design or pattern on your concrete. This is longer-lasting and more visually appealing than stamping concrete. Add the pattern or design while the concrete is still wet.

Glossary of Terms associated with concrete

D Darby - A longer version of a hand float, ranging in length from 2 to 4 feet. Useful for leveling problem areas. Decorative aggregate - Richly colored natural stones, such as basalts, granite, quartz, or limestone, used to enhance exposed-aggregate concrete or decorative toppings. Decorative concrete - Concrete that has been enhanced by color, …

Aggregates for Concrete

CHAPTER 1—INTRODUCTION. Hydraulic cement concrete is a cement and water paste in which aggregate particles are embedded. Aggregate is granular material such as sand, …

Concrete Finishes | Exposed Aggregate | Diehl Concrete

Concrete finishes, such as exposed aggregate (pebble finish), are a popular choice for driveways, patios or walkways. Upgrade your hardscape today! Stamped and Decorative …

How to Drill Through Aggregate Concrete (Tips and Techniques)

When the hole is the desired depth, grab the next largest masonry drill bit and repeat the process until the desired hole diameter is drilled. Make sure not to step up by more than 1/8 of an inch. If your bit can't go any further, then there's a little hack. Go up a size for your drill bit and drill to the same area.

Exposed Aggregate Finish Concrete: 7 Best Characteristics, …

1. What is Exposed Aggregate Finish Concrete? Exposed aggregate finish concrete is popular for residential and commercial projects.It is a decorative concrete finish revealing aggregates (like stones, pebbles, and shells). Decorative concrete finishing is an excellent way to sweeten the aesthetic value of any space.One of the most popular …

Longburn Pebble

Longburn Pebble. A true river pebble that will give a rounded finish, Longburn Pebble is the most popular in our range because it has soft tones of light blue, light grey and light brown. It is this range of colours that make Longburn Pebble one of New Zealands favourite exposed aggregate concrete mixes. Suitable for driveways, patios and paths.

Popouts or popoffs?

One, called a popout, is a conical fragment of concrete with a piece of aggregate adhering to the apex of the cone (the remaining portion of the aggregate will be visible at the …

An experimental analysis on the replacement of fine aggregate …

Mix 1 part cement, 1.5 parts sand, and 3 1 / 2 parts aggregate to form concrete. Mix the sand and cement until the desired color is achieved. Use a 0.5 water-to-cement ratio to calculate the water needed. These calculations show that milliliters of cement equal 50% of its kilos [26]. Mix the concrete's components with the trowel after …

How to Mix Pebbles With Epoxy to Pour Over Concrete

Fill half a plastic bucket with small round paving pebbles. Pour a sparing amount of mixed epoxy resin onto the pebbles. Stir the mixture thoroughly with a wide drywall knife while adding small amounts of epoxy at a time. When the pebbles are fully coated, they become shiny and darken slightly. Pour the coated pebbles onto the primed …

Making an Exposed Aggregate Concrete Path

Step 2: Seed the Pebbles. The pebbles are scattered or sprinkled onto the surface of the concrete. Do this by the handful, and have a good supply of pebbles on hand. The concrete needs to be firm enough so the pebbles do not sink out of sight, but not so firm as to be difficult to push the pebbles into the concrete.

Solving Exposed Aggregate Concrete Problems: A …

Exposed aggregate concrete has become a popular choice for driveways, patios, and other outdoor surfaces due to its durability and aesthetic appeal. This type of concrete is created by removing the top layer to expose the aggregate, which can consist of various materials such as stones, pebbles, or shells.

How to Expose Aggregate in Concrete

One top-surface retarder product is Surface Deactivator by Brickform, which provides ten exposure depths, from a simulated light acid etch or sand blast finish up to full exposure …

Exposed aggregate concrete installations | Online Stone …

In an exposed aggregate concrete application, small (less than 1") decorative aggregates are hand seeded or broadcast on the surface of roughly finished still wet concrete. …

Stone Pebble Epoxy Flooring

4. Prime The Concrete. We use a special adhesion epoxy to prime the concrete or wood before applying the coating. 5. Apply Rock & Epoxy Coating. All Pebble Stone epoxy coating is installed by a professional concrete finisher for a flat and smooth finish. 6. Seal With UV Epoxy Mix. Once the Pebble Stone is applied to the surface, it must dry for ...